That link up there is pretty well balanced as far as the gateway theory is concerned.
I agree that home-growing should not necessarily be outlawed, as the dealers around here, where I live, are mostly lowlife scum who will peddle to anybody, at most ages.
The guy I used to buy from used to use a bong in front of his kids who were 6 & 8 and he had no qualms at all about the impression he was giving. It was one of the reasons I quit, the vision bothered me.
I am still a person who holds to the Christian belief system and for Gumby up there who casts me off as "You speak like someone still wet behind the ears out of dubdom my friend" - well ..... (you have no idea friend)
I hope that was a more reasoned response. I certainly don't expect you to agree with me. It is, after all, a much-debated issue that many folks feel very strongly about, myself included.
Of course it was, thank-you. I am mostly inline with your own thoughts. I still support a ban at this time, but realize that under the surface there are issues that are not addressed, like the reason why many choose to blot out reality. I still have that desire, but fight it.
Of upmost concern for me is - Ephesians 5:15-18 .... popped that in just to annoy