nice one blondie
Arians,quartodecimans,Paulicans,Waldenses,reformation,plus the bloke who got the bible translated and died for it (cant remeber his name whycliff? ) ..there works were not supported???
so the unsupported chrisitians gave us proper memorial dates , cross, no clergy, a translated bible,reject trinity,a bible we can all read.reject false holidays,saints ,etc etc
and the faithfull slave of WTS which is supported gave us ? whats new that they gave us ??
like you pointed out blondie....pagan beliefs such as pyramids and god living on planets already very much central to pagan beliefs mixed in with false dates ....ell thats the clincher there can be no of to get baptised.
excellant article thansk very much
As to the link provided, one thing I have wondered about was touched on there as well - how can it really be said that the anointed make up the FDS when in fact very few of them, since 1914, have actually been involved in dispensing the "food"? The vast majority of the anointed since then have had nothing to do with "feeding" God's household.pyramid selling scheme the more you sell the further up the ladder you go till you own a white crusier and a house in the bahamas