Jews object to Mormon practice of baptizing dead Jews

by Gopher 16 Replies latest social current

  • English Patient
    English Patient

    Jews complain about most things, but I am with them on this one. Who the hell do those Mormons think they are? Im glad there aren't many here in England. One lives just down the road from me actually, i'm thinking up some act of vengence.

    Damn Mormons.

  • wednesday

    well that may be odd, but a stranger still thing almost happened once

    jws threanted ot Df someone after their death

    b/c it was known that he had suspicious friends and had previously been Df for homosexuality (and there was a "cloud" of suspicion always over his head after that.) rumor was he was delaing with drug dealers. Anyway, he was found murdered in his home and we were told that if they could have proved anything, they would have DF after death.

    truth is stranger than fiction. Stay out of small texas towns.

  • Swan

    I always felt this practice was very presumptuous of Mormons, but then they are a very presumptuous and arrogant people, just like the JWs.

    On vacation last year we drove through Utah and stayed the night in a little town outside a National Park. It was predominantly Mormon, and finding a place to get a cup of coffee or a place where my husband could smoke was quite difficult. It was very unnerving to me having escaped from the JWs to be in this same situation again with another group. I'm sure we broke several laws there without even realizing it.


  • Kenneson

    While I don't believe in baptism for the dead, the practice didn't originate with the Mormons. Apparently they were doing it in Paul's day. See 1 Cor. 15:29

  • La Capra
    La Capra
    Jews complain about most things



  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    While I don't believe in baptism for the dead, the practice didn't originate with the Mormons. Apparently they were doing it in Paul's day. See 1 Cor. 15:29

    Right. The idea isn't original with the Mormans. Much ado about nothing. I could baptise all the dead popes and "convert" them to being Baptist.... doesn't mean anything one way or another...who cares? I could also issue my own drivers licenses, because I believe it's the right thing to do. Would that change anything one way or another? (unless you get pulled over and pulled out one of my licenses .... hehe).

  • SusanHere

    Let me see here... So none of you believe what the Mormons are doing is valid. You do not believe it is an authentic practice that will have any bearing on anyone's eternal life. It is being done only for DEAD people. You believe the dead are totally unaware that anything is being done "for them". It is not a matter of public shame to the families of the dead since no one knows any ordinances are being performed (other than the few faithful people involved in the ordinances themselves).


    Many of you are "outraged" that anyone would do such a "horrible thing" to your dead ancestors as to give them them a chance to be taught what they didn't get to hear in this life. Woooo, awful, horrible, baaaaaaaad Mormons! Yep, them taking time out of their busy lives, away from their jobs and families, to travel to the temple and perform ordinances that are of no benefit whatsoever to themselves, but can only intended to benefit others, wow, that's REALLY BAD!!!! How dare they!!!!

    Can I end this sarcasm now? Has anyone gotten the point? Anyone at all?

    English Patient wants to visit people on the next block who are total strangers and do vengence on them for being part of such an evil organization. What a man! While you're at it, go beat up on the nuns who dare to flaunt their religion by wearing those get-ups out in public. Surely they only do it to shove their religion in our faces!!! Yeah, that must be it!!! I'm sure you can really teach them a thing or two, English. Maybe they'll remove their robes before daring to walk down YOUR street!!!

    The world needs more violence and hate, EP? We don't have enough already? Shall we now do violence on good people just because we don't happen to like one facet of their religion? You really think that's going to make the world a better place?

    Bottom line, folks ... If you don't believe what is done in the temples is of any value or has any effect on the dead, then why get your shorts in a twist over it?

    I lost a child. I held its tiny body in my hand -- yes, in one hand. If any of you Catholics want to light a candle for my child, please feel free. Light a whole box of them. If you want to light a few for a mother who still grieves over the loss of her child, feel free to do that to. If you want to say a rosary for me or for my child (if that is part of your belief) please do that to. If you are Jewish and want to do whatever your faith says you can do for my child, please feel free. If you are wiccan and want to do some ritual under the full moon, feel free.

    In no way can the prayers of the faithful OF ANY RELIGION harm my dead child. I have no reason to be anything but grateful for anyone who cares to do any religious ritual intended to be of BENEFIT AND BLESSING TO MY DEAD CHILD.. Whether what you do is valid or not, God will bless you for caring enough to do what you can for anyone who has died, who has suffered or is now suffering, whether family to you or not.

    What can the world use more of -- those who do too much to help others, or those who do violence and intentional harm?

    The dead can use all the prayers they can get. God will know which ones are valid, and he will recognize and honor the ones he choose to recognize. He will also know who is doing what they can out of love for others and who has another less exalted agenda. Don't you trust him enough to let him do his part?

    Why don't we all do what we can to make things better, in whatever way we can, and leave the rest in his capable hands? Is that so hard?

    As always,

    Susan, of the temple-going Mormon class

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