k, bbq over, buzz over, ready to answer q from u
Breakfast/daytext/table overseer.
Most of the breakfast items themselves were good. Orderly sitting under the watchful eye of the table head (especially as a bethel newb) sucked. Double prayer seemed dumb. Accidents such as the waiter boy dumping a box of cereal on someone's lap one time were far too rare imo LOL
Monday night WT study
Sucked - Like I want ANOTHER night taken up with a meeting - dressing up -again- , associating with some people I see WAY too much already, - never mind being on 'showcase showdown' where you're in the front and centre rows cuz you have to comment (on video for the other sites as well). (I think I'll start a thread about something funny to do with these remote sights actually)
Tuesdays Bookstudy at one of the Local Cong.
Sucked - 45 min travel each way. First BS group had major problems inside too many to list. Second one had the po as conductor and he was kinda fanatical/nutty about a lotta things.
Wednesday evening fieldservice
Jeece, I was already a 'special full-time pioneer' wasn't I? But certain 'regular' service was required too, so I often did wed eve service to get a few hrs - wife and I loved our weekends to ourselves WAY too much I guess.
Thursdays parts on the service meeting
Other than MORE time taken up from doing anything else - like thinking for myself snick snick, it was what it was.
Fridays "family evening" / evening fieldservice
Nope, even in bethel, I didn't mess with T.G.I.F.
Saturdays Quick Build Hall construction assistance
Was a fun change of pace not doing a directly 'theocratic' activity. Also, got to see the hotties in denim.
Bottom line - service on weekends sucked - wednesday wasn't too bad cuz the day was shot anyway. The meeting was what it was - woulda had ta go whether in bethel or not. Late supper good cuz you could just run down, pick something up and go to your room
Daily sisters housekeeping/snooping through your possessions
Actually, didn't know they did this on purpose. Wife was in housekeeping and I just asked her and she said they were told to NOT snoop. However, if things were inappropriately left out, it wasn't supposed to be ignored. ie wine bottles to be kept out of sight. Not sure what they were supposed to do about Penthouse. I suspect much snooping was done because of gd nosy housekeepers.
Car pools
Majorly sucked due to I like my mobile freedom thanks very much. That and the couple we were paired up with had a little shitey car (on the 401 that sucks) and couldn't drive well (especially the wife - no sterotype intended. heh heh thats a fact anyway - jk!). Fortunately we all didn't get along very well so we made many excuses to have to use our own car and things worked out much better that way. Bethel encourages carpooling for obvious reasons, no doubt one of which is for the 'experienced' bethel couple yer paired with can keep and eye on you imo. Just like the tablehead.
Allowance day
Just like 'welfare wednesday' imo. Very happy day and good times were sure to follow if you had enough for a bottle. Bethel abuzz with action getting yer loot. I mean $125 X 2 makes a dent doncha think? Especially paying that dentist bill cuz you weren't at bethel long enough to be allowed the free work.
Laundry day / missing clothing / badly sewed clothing
PITA - Pain In The Ass - thus wife often did our own laundry cuz it was easier than the rules/procedure plus you could take care of your own 'naughties' instead of having them available for everyone to gawk at. Remember everything is labeled and traceable to you to make the laundry system work. Didn't have missing clothing or badly sewn
Boring library
As a fully immersed dubbie, I thought the library was great. Since I didn't have time to read much else except dubbie info, I didn't really notice how boring it was. I wish a copy of COC was in there though, you never know, I might of dabbled a little and saved a lot of time 'figuring things out' over the last 5 yrs.
farm duty !!! stalls vs $#IT vs gardening
I didn't have farm duty per se except I did chicken kill. It was a great way to get extra time in leiu from your regular work day. Also, change of pace and scenery which, never forget, are always valuable, cherished things.
Inking the press!
Had nothing to do with this.
Digging/carpentry/bricklaying/box packing/loading
Nope, I was a trades person so 'above' such lowly activities heh heh - jk! (about the 'lowly' part)
Nasty crotch grabbin roomies
I like it when my wife is both 'nasty' and 'crotch grabbin' - its sweet and nice and damn - we did a lot of that - its cheap entertainment.
Not gettin sum..except nasty looks from roomies
See above - never got more before or since that place - not sure why. And they're were some real hotties there for 'mental fuel' snick snick - LOL
Lousy infermary (basic asprin cures all !!!)
Didn't really need it - boa =healthy like horse (hung like one too if you believe the rumours)
Longest pompous a$$ prayers going on and on and on....
Sometimes....I remember my first 'meal' prayer - nervewracking, short and sweet. Jeece, how many different ways can you pray about the same things anyway? On the other hand there was a bro who in his 'after breakfast pre-work' prayer (and I believe he was either branch committee or some other high up) would basically say - Jehovah, help us in our daily work, in Jesus name, Amen. The absolute shortest prayers I've ever heard! Most of the long prayers were from up-and-comers and newbies imo.
Old anointed bro's ..that pee themselves and need help !
Sad state for any man or woman to be in and I won't make fun of it.
Assembly sound duty OMG!
Nope, didn't do it.
Food Service overseeing
Parking attendant work
Yes, another opportunity to check out hotties, especially while they were sitting in a car and opening the door, and getting out and stuff. sighhhh.
Apostate lookout/Security work (it does exist guys !)
It existed, but I didn't get to be a part of that team.
That wake up bell OMG OMG OMG !!
Definitely sucked. While they're at this, they should also pipe in subliminal music/messages over the speaker while you're sleeping.
boa's been there and it was quite a ride.....