Why I don't celebrate Easter. Warning: pity party going on in this thread

by CeriseRose 15 Replies latest jw experiences

  • azaria


    I’m so sorry for the pain you’re feeling at the moment. Holidays especially can be a difficult time when we have lost someone. Like Double Edge I believe in the resurrection. Witnesses aren’t the only ones that believe that, Christians do also. This is the reason we celebrate Easter, that Jesus died so we could live eternally with him. We all have our moments, triggers that remind us of the people we have lost. I had this just a few days ago regarding my father. It sounds that you had a loving relationship with your mother so hang on to that. Take care

  • codeblue

    (((Cerise))) I was a young teen when my Mom died...although many years has passed and I have learned to cope with her loss, it hurts my heart that others like yourself are going thru this pain. Please know that my thoughts are truly with you at this time, and please know that with time comes healing.


  • CeriseRose

    Thank you everyone. I really appreciate your comments and hugs and support. I actually slept last night, which always makes my outlook better (plus the fact that Easter is over).

    I go through this twice a year, anniversaries of both Mom and Dad's deaths. This is the first year I haven't been a JW and had the support of the few friends I had in the cong, and my flesh n blood sister. That's probably why the loss felt fresher than it had in the last couple years.

    I wish I could know or believe about where they are. At some point maybe I'll try to learn more. Right now, I just need a break from hoping along those lines...it sounds kinda backwards, but I just can't trust myself to be objective enough to not start believing things that aren't right/good for me. Sometimes I do feel their presence and do have dreams about them where they tell me things, but I'm still working through what that means...I grew up feeling like I had a 'sixth sense' or high intuition for things, and still believe in that partly, but my association with JWs convinced me it was Satanic and so I still mentally resist it, even now. In time, I hope I'll feel more comfortable in that skin.

    Thanks again. *hugs* You're all wonderful.

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    I understand what it means to lose a parent, my thoughts are with you


  • Sentinel

    Who's to say you will never again see your mother?

    We humans limit our horizons because we fear the unknown. Still, the heart and mind seemed tuned in to a uniting of souls in our universal home.

    Just as we recognize someone by their voice when they aren't in front of us visibly, so we can recognize loved ones who's paths we've crossed in our life time. All things are possible.


  • CeriseRose

    Well, by the very nature of a pity party (which was warned in the subject), looking at alternate possibilities was not forefront in my thinking at that moment.

    And just as many on here said they were sure they know there is something after, I also admitted that I have no concrete beliefs around that. I also explained why.

    So as to "who's to say I won't see her again", that wasn't my point of concern. I don't know what I believe right now, so my mindset is that I won't. Why? Maybe because after losing both parents 7 months apart, believing that I *could* see them, and then having that ripped away from me when I left the JWs, my heart can't take that hope at this time. I survived a lot of very brutal heartache within a tiny amount of time and I'm still healing from that. I may never heal fully, although I hope I do.

    I appreciate that others, including yourself, feel that you have the "answer", or may have a belief that brings you comfort when dealing with these kinds of issues. I don't, and can't trust myself to be objective when trying to figure it out. I need more time and I'm allowing myself that time. And while I can appreciate the sentiment of what you say, I can't believe it any more than I can believe the WTS doctrines that I've found to be in error. Just the space I'm in.

    Thanks for your response though. It's all food for thought.

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