Why was Jesus even sent to the earth?-It was because he was a perfect man. He died to attone for our sins so that we may have have a better chance to be in Jehovah God book of life. So we may live in paradise. And not have eternal death is Hell. A deep sleep that wont ever change after Armageddon.
Learn From God's Son
by The_world_is_passing_away 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Big Tex
Duly noted.
what do you mean duly noted? Read 2 Timothy 3;1-5 and 2 Peter 3;3, 4 and Rev 14;1 only 144,000 people go to heaven(The little Flock) The Big flock are those who will live on earth in paradise.Revelations 7;9 .
Welcome The World etc.
Why was Jesus even sent to the earth?-It was because he was a perfect man.
So he was a perfect man before being sent to earth?
Big Tex
what do you mean duly noted?
You asked a question in your post and then answered it. Sorry if that offended you, but I was acknowleding what you were saying without necessarily agreeing with your theology.
One thing I learned from my expereince with Jehovah's Witnesses and that is I will not sit in judgment on someone else. You have your beliefs, and if it works for you then, fine.
The Big flock are those who will live on earth in paradise.
I thought we were the "other sheep"??? Hey! This ain't some a that "new light" shit I been hearing about, is it?
Actually Jesus was God the Son (part of a Trinity), who put on a human fleshly form like a coat, died for our sins to save anyone who wanted from an eternity in a burning hell.
If you accept his "blood" you can live in heaven in a big palace called New Jerusalem, and maybe get to strum a harp.You see, Christendom had it right all along, for near 2000 years, and hadn't apostacised at all (coz God's just that big that He could have straightened it out).
Just another opinion. I'll duly note yours, too.
A Paduan
I think that you aren't aware of the jw way of speaking self-deception that you utilise.
The world is passing away.
Others believe that "the form of this world is passing away" - as is written.
Why was Jesus even sent to the earth? - It was because he was a perfect man.
Others believe that it was because "God so loved the world" - as written.
He died to attone for our sins so that we may have have a better chance to be in Jehovah God book of life.
Where on earth did you hear the expression " Jehovah God book of life".
So we may live in paradise. And not have eternal death is Hell. A deep sleep that wont ever change after Armageddon.
You mean like being in the dark about what's going on ?
And not have eternal death is Hell.
Welcome to the forum. But actually in JW teaching, which I think you're espousing here, "hell" is a temporary place for the dead that will be emptied out during the millenium.
Their term for eternal death is Gehenna.
If believing such things brings you comfort, then good for you. Not everyone will embrace such truths presented so arbitrarily. In fact, the human tendency is to resist.
Oke my english is a bit rusty so don't shoot me for spelling mistakes :p "The book of life" you can find somewhere in revelation. Al persons who died before armagedon and will be brought back to life are "noted" in that book. And the big flok = ather sheep. Im not a JW anymore but those parts i do remember :p