Well, saving you the trouble of answering the question yourself .... I hired a summoner to contact a demon to make a pact as I was in need of help beyond my personal capability. I went through the Internet looking for someone who would come and perform the ceremony and include me in it - because I am not sucker enough to pay someone to perform I service I might never see. And, since I believe in Jehovah, I believe in the issue of the slander to his name ergo sum: demons/ fallen angels. Angels will not act without direction from Heavenly Jerusalem and my prayers were unheard though the reason for these fervent prayers was not concealed in any cloud - except to my brothers.
So, taking the step to blaspheme was my last action. But, well, you will just have to read about it.
I have read that some people do not believe in demons and witchcraft etc etc... but I was approached by one when I was 15 or 16. Some of you wont believe that but that's what happenned. So I decided to make my appeal to another spiritual government currently granted licence by Jehovah to rule this system of things.