To The Opposers of George W. Bush and The War In Iraq

by L_A_Big_Dawg 21 Replies latest social current

  • L_A_Big_Dawg

    As I read Grenpalmtrees post to those of us that support President Bush and the current Iraqi war, I was reminded that I needed to do something concrete to show me support for this situation. So I contacted Camp Pendleton (a Marine base which has lost a number of troops in Iraq), and spoke with an officer, and asked what I could do to support the families of those that have paid the ultimate price in this war. He gave me a list of accounts, and I have since donated money to those accounts.

    Here is my question to those that say they "oppose the war, but support the troops." What have you done to "support the troops?" To those that support the war: have you done something similar?

    It is not my intention to start a flame war, or to say my side is better than your side. It is simply to find out. So please, I really don't want a my side is better than your side war. Enough rhetoric has been bandied about, and I for one am sick of it.

    So if you have read this, and you have not done something to "support the troops" or their families left back home, and no this is not only for Americans but for those in other countries that have sent troops to Iraq. Please do something. Whether or not you support this war, there is one thing that is aboundantly true. Hundreds of thousands of fellow human beings in the military are placing their lives in harm's way. Civilians that are trying to help re-establish Iraq are being kidnapped and threatened with their lives. I believe it's time to tone down the rhetoric and do something tangible for the troops . Then work for whatever political solution you think, not feel, is best for the country.

    Thanks people. I look forward to reading your responses.

  • Englishman


    I agree with supporting our troops whether we support the war or not.

    Maybe we all did go into Iraq for the wrong reasons. However now we're there, to pull out now would be a ghastly mistake. Rightly or wrongly, we have no choice but to see the job done to the end IMHO.


  • zugzwang

    IMHO the best way to support our troops is to not put them in an unnecessary war in the first place. Another way to support them would be by removing the "commander in chief" that put them there for all of the wrong reasons in the first place. We can support our troops by not giving up the very freedom of speech which they are dying for. That freedom of speech should and will be used against any president who misuses his power and authority. We can support our troops by electing a president who can muster popular support from other nations so that they will send in more troops and less US forces would be needed. Obviously this president can't muster up that popular support. So you think it would by in the best interests of the troops to have a president who has shown he can't get the world's support or would we be doing our troops a greater service by replacing the unilateralist with someone else? No guarantee that Kerrey is any better, but obviously these other nations aren't going to support us as long as Bush is at the helm. But that is just my opinion.

  • Michael3000

    Hey, I support the troops - I think the best way to show that is to BRING THEM HOME, OUT OF THIS ILLEGAL, IMMORAL "WAR".

    As for sending money to these "accounts", isn't that what our tax dollars are for? But BushCo, while intent on continuing this "war" at all costs, wants to cut back on benefits and salary for our soldiers! If this administration would support the troops, private citizens would not be put upon to send donations. Do you know that, because of substandard equipment issued to our troops, their families have to buy better-quality things (like flak jackets that may actually stop some shrapnel) - out of their own pockets, mind you - and send them to their loved ones in Iraq? Our own government doesn't even take care of these kids, and more are dying every day.

    There is also the fact that our wacko President says he regularly asks Jesus for advice on Iraq. So far, it looks like the Lord is doling out some pretty bad advice, if you ask me.

    For a more fair and balanced look at where we are as a country, and what you can do about making it a better place to be FOR EVERYONE, have a listen to Air America Radio. If you don't live near a broadcast location, they are streaming live on the web:

  • bigboi
    Maybe we all did go into Iraq for the wrong reasons. However now we're there, to pull out now would be a ghastly mistake.

    I'd bet a fortune that's exactly what they expected most people to say. George Bush is an idiot. He'll definetely be out on his ass come November.

  • Rihannsu

    Did we get attacked on 9-11-04 ? YES ....... Did we fight back by going to afganistan? YES...... Did Saddam Hussein ever give money to terrorist groups such as Hamas etc? YES

    So lets just go with the facts, we might not "need" to be there, but we cant always sit back and watch our country get attacked by terrorism. we needed to take the offensive and we did! I will most likely vote for Bush this time (I didnt last time) for his actions in defending our country and our freedom.

  • Greenpalmtreestillmine


    That was a great idea! I hope more do exactly what you did, I will.

    I wish we could all forget the pulling for this political party or that and just be Americans. I don't agree with the war but that does not mean I do not support those who are serving in Iraq. For some reason to say we oppose the war is translated by some into meaning we are unAmerican or do not support the troops.

    To the contrary, I oppose the war because I do support the troops. If I didn't care about the troops I wouldn't bother at all to even talk about the whole thing. People who support the war and those like me who oppose the war can and should get together and give our support for those who are there through no fault of their own. They volunteered to defend America, whether or not we feel the war is justified it does not take one iota away from the honor and support due to these young men and women.

    Thanks for a great idea and a great thread.


  • Pleasuredome

    as i dont support wars, then naturally i dont support troops.

    ***k bush.

  • L_A_Big_Dawg


    Your hate-filled rant is just what I did not want. But then again what else can one expect form one that supports Air America. Appropriate name too, full of gas bags like Al Franken.

    And I gave Air America a chance, however it was boring and had no entertainment value. I ended up changing back to sports talk. Then I find out that they can't even pay their bills, and lost thier L.A. affiliate. This made me laugh so hard that I almost coughed up a lung.

    I guess I was very "conservative" in saying that Air America would last six months.

  • L_A_Big_Dawg


    Thank you for responding. I would love to work with those that oppose the war, However, what I have found is that most of the persons that oppose the war support other political views that I just can not stomach. For instance, many of the opposers of this war support the Palestinian terrorists. They are blatantly anti-American, ie. America and capitalism are the roots of evry evil in the world. They support Socialism and Communism. These two politcal philosophies have been religated to the dustbin of history, where they belong IMO.

    Secondly, all I hear from the opposers are shrill and hate-filled ad-hominem attacks of the President. I have seen nothing of substance that has changed my mind on this war, and the justifications for it.

    Thirdly, I have dealt with many war opposers. I even counter-protested at the March 20 rally in Los Angeles. What I saw at this rally made me sick. I have never seen a bigger bunch of hypocrites in my life. Most of these would claim to support "free-speech." However, what I found was that most of these persons are nothing but dupes, and morons. Their arguements were weak, and when confronted with facts the resorted to the far-left's usual response to facts: shouting and attacking the person.

    Now, based on this I am forced to believe that by and large those that oppose the war oppose the U.S. and it's philosophy in general. Maybe there is a truly open minded and tolerant war opposer out there, However, I won't be holding my breathe waiting to meet one.

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