Often, when you pick up a copy of the Watchtower, you'll notice some articles that
give good counsel. They may advise elders to lovingly care for the flock, teenagers to
stay out of trouble or attempt to encourage helping the elderly. All these things are fine
The problem is, that these noble sentiments carry no real weight. While some idealist
toiling away in the Writing Staff may get such thoughts published, in the real world of being
a Witness, no elder is ever likely to be removed because he doesn't give a rats a$$ about
the congregation.
Ask yourself how likely it is that ANY of these platitudes will prevent young Johnny
Witness from 'doing' his girlfriend or thinking that elderly people are a waste of protoplasm.
Ask yourself, if Witnesses are ignoring the Society's endless pleas for more MONEY,
then how much impact is this sort of printed sentiment going to have? Did pleas "not to
save seats", year after year, at the assembly have any effect?
Ask yourself, which is really more important to the Society - putting down (often mythical)
hours on a field service report - or actually spending that time helping the disadvantaged?
There's no space for "charity" on that slip, is there, Brother Publisher? It doesn't "count"
Ask yourself, if any Circuit Overseer ignored or contradicted these noble thoughts,
in pursuit of 'more hours' or more rules, who would oppose him? Who would think him
wrong? Anyone?
Jesus put it simply:
"for they say but do not perform" ( Matt. 23:3).
This organization will never change. It will always be dominated by committees of
stubborn, old men, who live in relative isolation, almost entirely without children.
They will never allow any special, authorized programs to help people in need in the
organization - even if the Bible allows for such (Acts 6:1-7, I Tim 5:9).
Waving a disapproving finger is all they think is needed. Anything more might interfere
with the 'glorious work' of magazine peddling.
If you are lurking - or 'hanging on' - hoping that , one day, the Watchtower Society
will actually live up to its promises of brotherhood,
it's time you woke up. It isn't going to happen.
Not now, not in ten years, not ever.
They are utterly resistant to reason, pleas for mercy, - or prayers.