The Watchtower - A Waste of Paper and Time? ( May 1, 2004)

by metatron 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny
    WEB RESULTS ZERO! We didn't find ANY Web pages containing "Jehovah's Witnesses charities. Results for charities : Catholic 495,000 vs. Watchtower big fat zero "0" Jesus said; "by their fruits you will know them" [Matthew 7: 15] James said;" to look after widows and orphans in their tribulation,for this is what God accepts." [ James 1:27]

    THE; "GATEKEEPER" satan's watan

    [Notice; If I go to Hell,the WT$ leaders will be there keeping things warm for me]

  • RunningMan
    these noble sentiments carry no real weight

    The perfect example of this is their stand on charitable donations.

    They give lip service to the idea that we should help widows and orphans and do good for our fellow man. But, if you donate money to a charity, you are merely helping them temporarily, and often your money is wasted by greedy beaurocrats. How much better to donate your money to the WTS, to help them provide life giving water that will help them permanently.

    So, they turn people away from charitable donations and works, and funnel the money into their own publishing empire. And, what most Witnesses don't realize is that the one and only function of the WTS is to recruit more members for itself. It does nothing charitable or helpful.

  • metatron

    Many of us who post here are well acquainted with the popular business procedure of "cover your a$$", or CYA for short.

    That's really all the Watchtower is doing with these empty articles on mercy, charity, love, etc. The words are there,

    so that each eagerly deluded Witness publisher can gleefully point to some meagre evidence that the organization cares

    about them. Later, when they actually come into need, they'll encounter the cold truth that they are expendable components

    in the unfeeling machinery of Theocracy.


  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    MOOooooo Cash cow$ getting cranky

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    Regarding;" Charlie manson had good things to say too"

  • sf


    Have you seriously considered marching/ rallying on Capitol Hill during any protests or creating your own march?


  • minimus

    Charles Manson must be a JW.

  • Larry

    Great post, lots of weight - It went beyond the theme b/c it applys to all of the BORGs publications and you touched on the heart of the matter regarding the true intent of the BORG.

    I was thinking - If the BORG is really interested in reaching folks why don't they put their publications on the internet for a donation arrangement?


  • greendawn

    This inability to grasp the vital importance of love shows that the WTS and its faithful and discreet slave are as relavent to christianity as Hitler was to judaism, the old foxes of Brooklyn are lying through their teeth when they say that they have the Spirit of God. I would rather propose that being such heartless bare faced liars and ruthless manipulators and deceivers they are annointed with the spirit of the devil;his angels mascarading as angels of light, but their fruits are unmistakable: despite their fabulous wealth no charitable works,no love. In my days as a JW one of the annointed with a 50 year service who was a genuine loving person and therefore swept to the margins by the powers that be in the WT$, once confided to me: "I warned them that unless they cultivate a spirit of love among themselves, even 200 hours of preaching every month are futile and bring no salvation at all. As a result I have reaped a lot of bitterness and hatred from the brothers."

  • willyloman
    even 200 hours of preaching every month are futile and bring no salvation at all

    Right. Or, as God himself said, "I want obedience, not sacrifice." Christ boiled the law down to love, and recommended obedience to that law. The WTS, still stuck back in the Old Testament, prefers sacrifice. You do the math.

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