How Many Reveal Themselves Totally On This Board?

by minimus 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • willyloman

    From time to time there is a thread here in which someone swears this board is monitored by "agents" of the WTS, apparently for the purpose of keeping up with the enemy and on the slim possibility that someone would be recognized and exposed. I seriously doubt the latter (altho I'm sure the former is true).

    For that reason, and the fact that at least a few of my fellow posters have claimed they were "outed" after being on this board, I was in the beginning extremely cautious about revealing any personal data. I have been a bit coy about some personal details, such as the exact number of years I was an elder, exactly how long I'd been baptized, the precise number and gender of my children. But I haven't made up anything and I am who I say I am, in terms of my experience in the troof.

    In recent months, I've gotten more comfortable about sharing personal experiences from my years in dubdom, and I may eventually identify myself here (boy, will some people be surprised). But that will only come when everybody I love is "out." So far, that's going really well.

  • Elsewhere
  • Elsewhere
  • Strawberryfieldsforever

    xjw b12

    I just about choked on my brandy just now. I'm fairly excited. God.....I think I need another drink............


  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    <dials up Mrs. XJWB12 and tattles>


  • SheilaM


    Thunder and I are who we are, we reveal a lot about our life and in our poetry and writing. For those that have read the novel you know even more and well after the buckwheat fiasco you all know my ditzy side SIGH......

    I always say if you are who you are then you don't have to remember how to be.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Totally? Not really, although I showed more of myself than I would have liked a couple of weeks ago.

    I agree with Sheila, you be yourself, throw it out there and see what comes back. But since this is the Internet, only reveal as much as you would say in front of the whole world, 'cause that's what's kinda happening.

  • Sunnygal41

    Valis.........leave xjw alone..........he's a fine figure of a man!! Grrrrrrowwwwllll, c'mon over here baby! Only kidding, I don't fool around with married men. But, hey, I didn't know that this was that type of thread! goes! In for a penny, in for a pound they say!!!

  • codeblue

    awe.........thank you made my day!!!



  • flower

    woohoo nice bum! we need more of that!

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