Did anyone ever ask FDR to appologise for Pearl Harbor?

by blindfool 44 Replies latest social current

  • undercover
    you will find less people complaiing about the invasion of afghanistan. why? because those guys were actually involved with al quaeda. hussein simply was not and did not pose a threat.

    I agree with that up to a point. I believed that the invasion of Iraq was not in the best interests of the US. But since they are committed to it, they need to finish it. This pussy-footing around is making a mess. Personally, I think the US should have concentrated on bin laden, Al Queda and any who supported them before messing with Iraq. That's knowing what I know now. But what about before 9-11?

    How many people before 9-11 really paid much attention to Al-Queda or bin laden? Outside of the intelligiance community that is? If the US stormed Afganistan before 9-11 and used military might, people would have said we had no business going in there. No matter what the government does, somebody is not going to like it. Invade or sit back and wait and somebody is gonna bitch about it.

  • SheilaM
    Are all of you saying for a fact that no one asked FDR or Churchill to apologise?

    No, I dont think anyone did or would have at that time. That is when we had some respect for our President and our country, once Pearl Harbor happend those that had been nay saying the war put aside their differnces rolled up their sleeves and worked as a united front. Something we need now, people to support our troops 150%.

  • blacksheep

    Not only that, did anyone ask Spain to apologize to its people for the brutal attack.

    People, the ones who should apologize is the PERPRETRATORS of these acts: the Al Queda network.

    Minimizing their culpability by insisting the victimized COUNTRIES' leaders should apologize is nothing short of insantity.

  • Realist


    How many people before 9-11 really paid much attention to Al-Queda or bin laden? Outside of the intelligiance community that is? If the US stormed Afganistan before 9-11 and used military might, people would have said we had no business going in there. No matter what the government does, somebody is not going to like it. Invade or sit back and wait and somebody is gonna bitch about it.

    absolutely right! no one would have supported the invasion of afghanistan nor the invasion of iraq! 911 was a gift to bush since it allowed him to do what he had planned from the beginning and which had little to do with fighting terror or bringing prosperity to the middle east.

  • blacksheep
    911 was a gift to bush since it allowed him to do what he had planned from the beginning and which had little to do with fighting terror or bringing prosperity to the middle east.

    IP: vBo7oLMLCZh38Rpa

    Oh, do please elaborate. You referenced your great conspiracy theory of the plan for 9/11 from Bush before. Tell us the whole story...Bush WANTED 9/11 to happen? Follow through, man.

  • blueyes

    Personally, FDR didn't need to apologize for the attack on Pearl Harbor. No matter what diplomatic, policy and procedural mistakes the US made in the months, days and hours preceding the attack on Pearl Harbor, the fact remains, that the Japanese government was responsible for the death of over 2,000 personnel and the loss of planes, warships and base facilities. I have a relative that lived through that attack and he has shared much history of that period. Many people living at that time would never have expected FDR to apologize. The ideas is simply ludicrous.

    As for President Bush, he has no reason to apologize for 9-11. Sure there may have been indications that an attack was possible, and perhaps the US government should have changed some of the security measures at our borders and airports. The fact remains that murderous Islamists are responsible for the attacks on the twin towers. They are at war with the US and the western way of life. Which by the way, they have no problem enjoying. Just how do they get their messages of hate and martyrdom out to the networks? Two cups and a string?

    These murderers don't deserve to breath the same air with humanity. Personally, Bush is correct in his "intent" to hunt down such human debris. There are different ways to accomplish this, but the intent and desire should remain.

    Blu -

  • Realist


    wolfowitz had developed a plan for dominating the region sometime in the early 90ties. bush had planned to take over iraq from the very beginning of his regency (probably before).


  • berten

    >...Something we need now, people to support our troops 150%.

    Troops that run a police state in Iraq,where they don't have any business?

    No thanks...

  • Yerusalyim


    You're [Insult removed] normally don't use that kind of language here, or anywhere for that matter, but you've gone beyond the pale...even Realist is more reasonable than you are. Iraq is NOT a police state, if it were there would be no free press over there, no protests, nothing but fear.

    Thank God the world isn't full of [removed] like you...


    Tell the million dead Iraqis that Saddam was no threat, tell the dead Israelis he was no threat, tell those who found his Ricin in the UK that he was no threat, tell the Kuwaitis and Iranians he was no threat. Go ahead.

  • berten


    >[quote removed]

    Coming from somone like you I guess I'll take that as a compliment.

    Yeru,watch your language,I might irritate you,but that gives you no right

    to go insulting people.I could call you names that would fit you like a glove,

    but I re-edited my post to keep it nice.

    Anyway why do I bother with the likes of you? I'm better off ignoring types like you.

    Have a nice day Yeru, and don't get your bloodpressure too high

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