question: why are humans worth more than animals?

by Realist 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • Realist

    ok putting religious reasoning aside what is a rational reason why humans are viewed worth more than higher animals? why is a human worth more than lets say a chimp, a pig or a cow?

    neurophysiological studies show that animals suffer probably just as much as humans....but similar to little children they cannot understand the pain and express it as human adults can.

    does our higher intelligence make us worth more or is it the suffering of other humans if a human dies that makes it more dispicable to kill a human?

    any thoughts on that?

  • gumby

    Realist......excellent topic!

    I have wondered the same thing as I've gotten older. I don't like to even squish an ant anymore(but I will kill a frickin wasp)

    Remember the show "Land of the Giants" or something like that. The people in the show were as small as bugs and had to fend for their life in a world that was bigger than them. Do not insect, and animal life have their own little world they live in with feelings and emotions? If you followed an ant around all day long.........would that ant after a hard days work go to a little family he has too?

    I have wondered when I see a poor scared dog running loose like it is it feels. Afraid, scared, lonely and sad? Is it like a little kid who has been dropped off in a alley somewhere? I think much more goes on in a animals mind than we know.

    Who knows?


  • Valis

    Gumbeastiality knows what animals "feel" like..


    District Overbeer

  • gumby


  • rem

    Because I'm a homosapien supremacist... plus lots of animals are tasty. :)


  • Realist

    hello gumby,

    i don't think we have to worry about insects...they seem to be little more than biorobots. it is highly questionable if they feel something that could be called pain.

    higher animals however have brains very similar to ours and are most likely just as capable of suffering as humans are.


    i tried to live as vegetarian for 6 month...but i had to realize that i am a true carnivore...vegetables just don't taste 1 / 10 as good as meat.

  • frankiespeakin

    Part of evolution,,,we live off of life,,and,,life lives off us,, ,we tend to favor our species for companionship and are well aquainted with its intelligence which we attach much importance. We see animals as less important according to intelligence,, not just according to size, and what not.

    It is all concepts and concepts are what we(society) live by,,we judge things by different concepts,, than other animals,, and we consider "our concepts" superior,,therefore we are,,, at least according to "our concepts" which we call "normal".

  • Undecided

    I often wonder what my dogs are thinking. I know they can learn words and they have feelings. I wonder what goes through their minds though.

    Today I got the grill out to cook and there were a couple of mice in the thing. One jumped out on the ground and I just couldn't stomp it, it looked up at me with an expression that kept me from killing it.

    I'm like Gumby, I think about those little bugs too. I wonder sometimes if we are like those ants to God, and he could just step on us and keep right on with what ever he was doing.

    I have a lot of strange thoughts lately. My wife asked me if I had thanked God since I could pea today, she had prayed for me. I hadn't thanked him, but yeaterday I was mad at him for making me so I would get sick like that.

    Ken P.

  • Elsewhere
    why are humans worth more than animals?

    This is because most people believe they are more valuable than animals. We have also set into place laws and systems to support this belief.

  • Dan-O

    Ah, but the Bible tells us that Jehovah knows even when a sparrow falls from the sky. The animals are valued bu Him.

    Me? I say there's room for all of God's creatures ... right next to the mashed potatoes.

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