Hi everyone, glad to be here. I've been to and posted at a couple of other ex-jw sites. Thought I'd drop a line to you guys. Long story short, I'm trying to do the fade. It's been about 3 months since I attended a meeting. Hopefully I can continue dodging the borg. I'm currently trying to reprogram my mind and at times it's a bit frustrating. I've heard some on here say that you have to "try to see through the eyes of a child". I don't know if its just years of jw brainwashing but when I try to my guard just instinctively goes up. Can anyone offer some advice and maybe some personal experiences?
I'm new to JW forum!!
by boy@crossroads 30 Replies latest jw friends
welcome to the forum! Lots of people trying to do the exact same thing here. Hope you find some answers, stick around, and make some friends!
District Overbeer
Then stick around I will !!!
Welcome aboard.
Hi there and welcome to this forum. I think you will enjoy it and will learn a lot that will help you on your way out of the clutches of the Org.
You might enjoy this link, lots of well-researched articles:
Also, for really good experiences, in audio format no less go to "jwinfoline" and Tower to Truth sites.
I loved those too.
How many years of brainwashing did you have? What you are feeling is NOT uncommon.
I was raised in the Org. and till I was 46 very active. I am fading as well...have been since last June.
Hello there boy@crossroads !
Fading for a couple of years now but still get 'Watchtower reasoning' coming up once in a while.
Keep posting, asking Q's and reading any useful links the people here may provide and you'll soon de-program
the cults hold on your mind.Urban
P.S. The sites that seeitallclearlynow suggested with the audios are excellent, if you haven't already viewed them!
Welcome boy@crossroads!
Can anyone offer some advice and maybe some personal experiences?
As far as getting your mind out of dubdom......it takes time,,,,,depending how long you were in, and how deep you were in. I have been out for 10 years and I'm STILL adjusting my thinking. Being here will speed up the process along with informing yourself about the truth behind the JW religion by reading.
Again.....nice to have you.
Thanks all you guys!! I will try to post another response as soon as possible so keep in expectation of me. Right now I have to RUNNOFT. (oh brother where art thou). Thanks again!!
If you get a chance try to get a copy of Crisis of Conscience by Raymond Franz, former GB member and nephew of Fred. A must read for anybody trying to leave JW's.
You can order it from Amazon or http://www.commentarypress.com.com