ok, these damn elders have pushed it. they've told my g/f that i don't believe in god and hate and despise him. they've told her that by disobeying the elders advice, she is disobeying jehovah. they've told her pretty much choose between me and them. i'm gettin pissed, any ideas on what i should say or do to the elders to prove my point?
i'm really getting mad
by dustyb 24 Replies latest jw friends
new light
The elders have made their decision.....they don't want her to be with you, and they'll use everything in their power to scare her away from you. This may actually work to your benefit if she has something to prove....going with the "bad boy" generally pisses off the powers that be....parents or elders.
Don't know your exact situation, but confronting the elders probably won't change much, may reenforce their present opinion. Your g/f has to make a choice, just make sure you offer her enough to seal the deal.
Don't bother with the elders, dustyb (pearls before swine). Just talk to your g/f and reassure her of your love and support, that you will be there for her.
How's it possible to "not believe in God" whilst simultaneously "hating and despising Him"?
Can they spell "oxymoron"?
How about just highlighting their stupidity to your g/f, and just focussing on that, rather than allowing them to focus attention on you?
Find a lawyer, even if you have to go to legal aid. They are slandering you. In legal terms, what they are doing is called "alienation of affection". Get a strongly worded letter to each member of the body of elders, particularly the ones on your girlfriend's judicial committee, that if this slander continues, they will be looking at legal action. Leave the WTS out it. Go after the committee members only.
They will go to the WTS for advice and the WTS will tell them that they will be on their own if they wish to proceed. They won't want to risk losing their homes/businesses over this and will drop it.
Hope it helps.
Love, Scully
Does she love you? She has to decide.
What do you believe? Now's your time to decide.
Why are you with the elders? Now's the time to decide.
Decision time. You can't forever go on limping on two opinions, to quote the Bible.
Don't know your exact situation, but confronting the elders probably won't change much, may reenforce their present opinion. Your g/f has to make a choice, just make sure you offer her enough to seal the deal.
Does she love you?
yep, guaranteed love and sealed the deal. we are hopelessly dedicated to each other, and i told her that i'm going to help her out in any way i can and that i'm always there for her. and i always am. right by her side no matter what. i'm thinking about taking scully's approcah, but if i do, i'll get kicked out of my mom's house because she's a JW too. so i'm dealt a a few apples short of a bushel and i have to find the missing apples. my g/f just told me to fake it until we move away. and i don't want her losing her family, because for the most part, a lot of her family are really good people, just caught up in the WTS. and i'm willing to do that until we can move away. i told her a few things tonite, kinda just seeping it to her. she'll hear a lot more today tho.....
i don't want her losing her family
Haven't you read enough on this board? Hasn't it got through to you?
You can't have both! You have to make a choice. She also has to make a choice.
If you're honest with yourself and with each other you must choose.
The good part is that you may, repeat may, get them back again in years to come. But you have to make a stand now.
If you don't you'll always be vacillating, an ex-dub forever. That's no future.
Cheers, Ozzie
If you don't you'll always be vacillating, an ex-dub forever
you're right. thats no future. and its retarded that i KNOW, but iono....aefkljesiyhbfghiab
Get a nice 30-30 rifle, load it up, beautiful long range scope.... take it from there.