FMZ:Watch yerself, buddy, as well as being beyond human decency it's probably contravening rules 2 & 4.
i'm really getting mad
by dustyb 24 Replies latest jw friends
Hmm... I was just suggesting that he go relax and do some deer hunting. Sitting 20 feet up a tree and waiting for a few hours generally tends to help me think quite clearly.
((Dusty)) maybe this is the time to act...sometimes we sit back when it's time to act, the moment passes and we loose the at home must make this situation really difficult for you both.If you feel beholden to your mother as you're living under her roof, are you able to find a place of your own?Your girlfriend sounds sure...but be careful to not start a war of words with the elders that may back fire on you and make you appear to be the kind of person they, no doubt, will tell her you are....good luck with all this-I hope they don't manage to make her feel so bad about her relationship with you that she'll start to doubt it-stay close to her and make solid plans soon...did you read Gadget's threads?Don't loose her...
fer da ders, i prefer da marlin 270 wid 9pwr scp.
Big Tex
In the spring of 1633, Galileo Galilei, an Italian scientist, was delivered before the dreaded Roman Inquisition to be tried on charges of heresy. He was denounced, according to a formal statement, "for holding as true the false doctrine . . . that the sun is the center of the world, and immovable, and that the earth moves!" The statement went on to read that "the proposition that the sun is the center of the world and does not move from its place is absurd and... heretical, because it is expressly contrary to the Holy Scripture!" Galileo was found guilty and forced to renounce his views. Ill and broken in spirit, he was sentenced to a life of perpetual imprisonment and penance.
Just because a couple of religious hypocrites say they speak for God, doesn't make it so. If I were to talk to your girlfriend, I would tell her that we all stand or fall before God on our own and not because of a religion. I would also tell her the worst mistake one can make in life is to live that life trying to please others. If you do that, you will never measure up, there will always be someone who finds fault.
Dusty, tell her to live her life by her own conscience and by her own rules. Part of real maturity is the ability to find yourself and stand up against criticism. She knows in her heart what she must do, but it is terribly frightening for her. Encourage her without pressure. She needs to believe in herself, in her own ability to choose. If she can come through this, her life will go in a much better direction.
If you get kicked out of your mom's house then so be it. If she loses her family then so be it. Live your life YOUR WAY. It is, afterall, YOUR LIFE. If your families decide to have nothing to do with you then that is an action THEY took, not you. That's THEIR choice, not yours. And if their love has strings attached to it then I say F*** EM! Who cares if they're family or not. ANYONE that treats you badly and says that in order to have a relationship with them then you have to follow their rules should be kicked to the curb, family or not. They are all people in the long run. Disfellowship THEM!
I agree with scully, get a lawyer to write them a letter.
Listen to Scully... you might be surprised how suddenly Jehover will understand the "extenuating circumstances" of your situation and allow you two to stay together.
Okay I may be way off base here and get lambasted but here goes!
Dusty you and MissLizzy are young, way too young IMHO to be so seriously involved. I speak from experience here. Been there done that got the T-shirt and the five kids to go with it.
You both are minor children living in your parents homes. I assume this is an all expense paid by your parents living arrangement? Therefore, they call the shots in their homes. They are not asking either one of you to do anything impossible, or anything illegal but they are asking you to trust them and their judgment as to what they feel is best for you now in view of your future. Got that? It is their parental right and they would be crappy parents if they did anything less.
I think you said something about faking it until you are both able to leave. That is probably the best thing you could do right now. Don't buck the system, go with the flow, yadda,yadda, will give both of you time to grow and mature, and anything worth waiting for is worth waiting for period.
Use this time to become the best persons you can, that can be your contribution to thumbing it in the face of the WTS. Get educations, jobs become something other than another statistic of teenage marriages gone wrong.
yep, guaranteed love and sealed the deal. we are hopelessly dedicated to each other, and i told her that i'm going to help her out in any way i can and that i'm always there for her. and i always am. right by her side no matter what. i'm
Plan your futures smartly and dedicate this time while you are young to helping each other grow and mature. You'll be building a strong foundation, a better life for both of you and your 84 children that way.
Right now the power is in the hands of the parents who have the responsibility to support you. When you can support yourself you get the responsibility, but are you capable of doing that? Supporting yourself, a woman and 84 children?
Lots to think about Dusty, it goes way beyond the feeling at the moment, that passes all too quickly and then real life kicks in, just don't be one of the statistics that gets kicked in the teeth. I know all you want to do is give those elders a piece of your mind and have your sweetie by your side, but that too will pass............and so it goes.
I wish you both the very best!
i'm thinking about taking scully's approcah, but if i do, i'll get kicked out of my mom's house because she's a JW too.
Not if you let them know that that would be alienation of affection as well as a breach of "ecclesiastical privelege" Which is just like attorney client privelege. Tell them that the letter is confidential, and if your confidence is breached, well, you'll sue 'em for that too. They want to claim "ecclesiastical priv." In Child molesting cases? Well, they can damn well take it in another case too.