Just hate religion all together. I don't want to have anything to with it, it makes my skin crawl. I don't want my daughter to be exposed to relgion in any form. Every part of it bothers. Is it just me? Does it make me bad that I dont want any part of Jesus or God or holy spirit. Is this just a phase.
I'm I the only one here that..................
by reganashe 32 Replies latest jw friends
Your not the only one...it makes my skin crawl too. Our late governor Jesse Ventura once said (and got himself into trouble for) that religion is for the weak minded. Wow! That was pretty powerful to say, but I'm afraid that I myself have to agree with him. I hope I haven't offended anyone
Hi strawberry...I remember that quote. I gotta say I kinda like it.
I went through a phase where I was really interested in religions of all types. I wanted to study and experience as much as I could about as many different religions as I could. Maybe to find one that made more sense. (This was all while I was still an active JW).
However, once I got sick of the JW's (it got to be more than I could stomach, it didn't seem like such a harmless little group of people, but more like imperfect men on power trips) I got sick of religion all together.
It was/is exhausting to be religious for me. And I am pretty sure, whatever supreme being is up there, he/she/it doesn't want my spirituality to be laborious.
There was also a phase where I was convinced NO MORE RELIGION EVER! IT'S ALL BUNK! (Which I am guessing is somehow how you feel) And while I am not on the intensive spiritual quest I was before, I have taken a break. Catch my breath, take a look around, take stock of who I am, and what my beliefs are, before I dive in to the religious pool again.
Only within the last few months have I felt a bit of a stirring to perhaps do some more thinking about the great unknowns. Just a stirring mind you...I haven't actually done any work. But I am thinking about it.
I guess the point of all my ramble is I think we do go through phases. And you're not the only one to ever feel that way. For you it may change, and if it doesn't--I don't know that there is anything wrong with that. My gut feeling is that the Great and Powerful HE/SHE/IT isn't as jealous as we humans like to think HE/SHE/IT is. That's a pretty human characteristic. And for me that's what religion is. Putting spiritual things into human termonology as a way of understanding. Which is why I have a much more broad view as to what spirituality can be. (wow I just rambled again---Sorry!)
Point being. Take your time. I think you'll find your own path on your own. And if that path doesn't include some kind of religious belief, I think that's ok.
Nope, i don't think you're the only one to feel that way. Leaving jws can be a tramautic event or period of life that leaves a real bitter taste in the mouth. On the other hand, I believe that there should be a point where reflection of such an event after some of the initial shock and pain wear off will lead a person to look at the subject of spirituality objectively and again consider one's 'spiritual' needs if that's still a valid concern to a person.
For me, I'm in a similar stage as you. However, even when I was trying to get me head around 'figuring' out the problems I was having in da troof, I knew I would likely never join another organized religion - they are repellent to me. Not the people inside necessarily, just the subjection/control factor.
My next foray will likely be into the history and source of religions and the bible - where it goes from there, I don't know - sheesh. Life is so good right now for my immediate family that I'm going to enjoy that for a while me thinks.
boa's .02
Thanks you gals and boas for responding, it's nice to know i'm not the only one out there.
Both my husband and myself feel like "spiritual people" (whatever you define THAT as)...but we are also fed up with religion in general. I don't pray...I don't read the Bible...I am totally against organized religion AT THIS POINT. But this may change. Seems to me that when you leave the JW's you go through all kinds of different feelings about religion, the Bible, etc. So I think joannadandy summed up my feelings pretty well.
Cathy L.
Religion is a snare and a racket.
Our late governor Jesse Ventura once said (and got himself into trouble for) that religion is for the weak minded. Wow! That was pretty powerful
I had to agree with Jesse when he uttered those words. Probably not the words a politician who needs to try to keep as many people as possible happy should use, but absolutly true, in my opinion. We keep saying we want the truth from our political leaders but when one is truthful about what he thinks, look what happens. Evidently Jesse didn't know the meaning of "spin".
'Religion is the opium of the masses,' they say.
I'm looking for something that's more like the marijuana of the masses ... gives me a buzz, but isn't quite so addictive. And then I'll look for the munchies of the masses.
Religion is for people who are afraid of going to hell.
Spirituality is for people who have already been there.