mother called!!

by boy@crossroads 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • boy@crossroads

    My mother knows I haven't been going to the meetings lately. We haven't officially had a 'heart to heart' yet. Well she calls up today (sunday after about lunchtime) and immediately begins asking 'where were you yesterday, I tried to call you 5 times?' Could it be she was calling her son to ask how he was doing, why he doesn't call her enough, things every mother complains about. No, she wanted to tell me there was a SPECIAL talk on sunday. !!! Now this religion is really starting to piss me off. !!! So I asked her (kindly), what was it about? I know what its going to be about. "Doom and gloom, jw bannings and how jehovah will soon wipe out that evil satan and any who joins his side" Obviosly, the organization must have really turned up the old 'guilt level' on that talk for her to call with such concern. those bastards. They really piss me off.

    Now my mother bless her heart is a really good person. Shes just infected with this disease called Jehovahs witnesses. I know shes doing what she thinks is right. I don't think she'll ever be able to handle what I have to say. That is ' !The witnesses are full of shit and I wish I wasn't raised one'. She would probably have to take a trip to the crazy house if I said it like that. This whole situation sucks! Sucks! Sucks! Sucks!

  • chok

    Hi I read the above with great interest and understanding. I spent the day with my mum and my kids on saturday..nice day out, small talk. No bible bashing, no questions, no encouragement, nothing...I didnt kid myself that all was well though. 8.15 this morning, I was barely awake, when the phone rang. Its mother dear, can we take little one to the meeting. This tells me that they have obviously given up on me, and are now homing in on my babies who are far more vunerable. When I said no, I was met with, 'But its the special talk!' . The answer is still no, we already have plans for this morning. hmmm, she wasnt happy, but I actually felt that for once I am making my own choices for me and my children. Its only taken 31 years! We had a nice morning wandering round the shops and playing!

  • Gopher
    'Where were you yesterday, I tried to call you 5 times?' Could it be she was calling her son to ask how he was doing, why he doesn't call her enough, things every mother complains about. No, she wanted to tell me there was a SPECIAL talk on sunday.

    Wouldn't it be nice if we could have NORMAL relationships with our JW parents? But no, everything has to be "are you coming to meetings" and all that jazz.

    And we heard that JW teachings have FINE effects on families. Instead they turn the parents into these preacher-robots with little or no "natural feeling".

    Oh yeah, I guess that lack of natural affection was supposed to be a sign of the "end times". Who woulda thunk that JW's would be one of the biggest culprits -- tearing away 'natural affection' and replacing it with the idea that "if you don't belong to our publishing and preaching organization, we don't have time for you"?

  • Corvin
    Shes just infected with this disease called Jehovahs witnesses.

    tell me about it. My exwife thinks that more meetings and more service is the answer to everything.

  • liquidsky

    She probably called you a hundred times yesterday because she wanted to to invite you to the special talk. My parents rarely call me. Yesterday they called three times. I didn't answer the phone because I knew the only reason they were calling me was to invite me to the kingdom hall.

  • blondie

    JWs are programmed to think that

    • somehow you are going to see it is the truth although nothing new is said at the talk and little love will be shown
    • that this might be the day the end comes because so many JWs will be at the talk at the same time forgetting that they would have to meet 7:30 am PST, 8:30 MST, 9:30 CST, 10:30 EST, and so on

    Let me take liberties with a quote for a famous evangelizer, Billy Sunday.

    Going to church Kingdom Hall doesn't make you a Christian or a JW any more than going to a garage makes you an automobile.

    -- Billy Sunday

  • Agent 1 of 1
    Agent 1 of 1

    Its interesting how I thought that witnesses were sane, normal people while I was one. But now that I'm out of the fold, they're pretty much nuts. Nothing can reason with them. I recently told my mother that I'm doing research on my own without taking the Society's words for what is the Truth. And I've tried different reasoning tactics with her, but none has worked yet. And while she's staying "faithful" and unmovable to her religion, I start to ask myself if I'm doing what's right. Do the Witnesses have the right religion? So, while I try to help others, it has an effect on my self-esteem and self-worth. When my mother calls, I know she cares about me, but its hard to distinguish her love and her fear of me being destroyed by God. And I really do wish the Society would just #*$& themselves and leave everybody's lives alone. But, oh well for that. The only encouragement I can give is to keep true to yourself. I know that sounds broad, but always consider your feelings. If there's nobody you can trust, then trust yourself.

  • DocBob

    Those of you whose parents (or anyone else) calls to invite you to the "Special Talk" might ask them just what it is about the "Special Talk" that is so "Special." I gave a few of them during my days as a JW. What usually happens is that after the "Special Talk" is given, the outline for the talk later becomes one of the normal talk outlines. At that point, I suppose it ceases to be special.

    In the long run, the only thing that is special about the Special Talk is that it has been deemed "Special" by those who wrote it, distributed it and promoted it. Other than that, it is the same old bovine byproduct.

  • boy@crossroads

    SPECIAL thanks agent and blondie !!!! Agent thats exactly how I feel a lot of the time. Your right you can't reason with them. Thats why I don't want to get into a discussion with my mother about my views. I'd just be wasting my breath.{You can't be told what the matrix is, you have to see it for yourself} How can you understand something you've never seen. They can't understand a life away from the org. it simly doesn't register. This is all she knows. Witnesses are programmed to see things one way.

  • seeitallclearlynow

    boy@crossroads - You're so right - it's like a disease - "dis - ease."

    For me, it's not my parents, it's my kids, and I know they can't help it either. But our relationship is such that they know to leave me alone about it. And I feel bad that they are in a position to have to worry about me over my salvation - they shouldn't have that burden.

    But such are the many sad facets of a cult. I just hope they come to their senses too. I try to make little points when I can. Otherwise, we get along great. My parents never tried to compel me to do anything and I have never tried to compel my kids to believe or to do anything either, even though I participated in raising them as JW's. I really held back on that - their Dad was the die-hard born/bred JW cultist - poor thing - so I just went along for the most part, and acted as a buffer between them.

    Best wishes to you and BE STRONG - you can maintain your stand! And your mom will be fine. Parents should never use emotional blackmail and we should not let them.

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