I can see that happening DocBob. I think this SPECIAL talk was touching on the jw bans going on in Russia aside from(disobedience leads to destruction). If my mother actually did some research, as jws say they encourage she would probably find many religions that are under some sort of similiar ban in that area. A rational person would then be able to conclude that 'satan' doesn't just have it in for jws. but then again most of jw obedience is emotional not intellectual.
mother called!!
by boy@crossroads 19 Replies latest jw friends
Agent 1 of 1
Looks like you've seen the light too and want to help others see it. It is very difficult. Like you said, the person won't see it unless they want to see it. I asked my mother a question, hoping that her brain would kick in. What if the truth wasn't the truth? All I wanted from her was to accept the fact that the Society could be wrong. And I asked her if she could even fathom it. She told me that she doesn't think the Society is lying to her. I then asked her what if I had undeniable proof that the Society is not the Truth, could she still even comprehend it? Nope. And, so I feel all ripped up inside, that because I see it so easily now, she can't. She put up this defensive wall that I can't penetrate. And I get so angry that she is holding on to the lies, not because of who she is, but because of what the Society has done. Its a tough time for me, but I realize after reading other people's posts that it takes time. I didn't change over night. It took me a year to finally listen to my doubts and open my eyes. So, I'm going to lovingly wait and ask any questions she has. But keep assuring myself that what I know is right. So, stay in there. And allow your mom to be able to reach you when she wants to. Keep in mind though, that you want to do things on your own term. You're not going to bring yourself down to their level. This is your fight. Peace out.
I am sort of glad that my mother is not here to carry the burden of worrying about all five of her sons and their standing in the organization. I think, however, that I could have reached her with the truth about "the truth" and helped her to recover. At least, I tell myself that.
I've used this analogy before but will use it once more. If you've ever watched the old Perry Mason shows you know that the prosecution always paints a picture so convincing that it is impossible to think that the accused could be anything but guilty. The witnesses have been so cleverly brainwashed that they are absolutely incapable of ever thinking any other religious paradigm could be true. There's is the only "truth" while all others conveniently fit into the work of "satan". Its only after Perry goes to work and re-examines in detail the evidence and shows how the eye witnesses were not seeing what they thought they saw that the prosecution's case begins to crumble. (ie Proverbs 18:16) When this happens, then the house of cards from 1914 to UN involvement all begin to crumble.
I call my father once a week.......yes we have had it out over the JW's. But, I do it just to say I LOVE YOU and I have been thinking of you. My mother made the trip home some time ago and is always missed. The point is I let him choice to hang up on me if that's what he wants. Sometimes just saying I LOVE YOU is enough.
Hi I read the above with great interest and understanding. I spent the day with my mum and my kids on saturday..nice day out, small talk. No bible bashing, no questions, no encouragement, nothing...I didnt kid myself that all was well though. 8.15 this morning, I was barely awake, when the phone rang. Its mother dear, can we take little one to the meeting. This tells me that they have obviously given up on me, and are now homing in on my babies who are far more vunerable. When I said no, I was met with, 'But its the special talk!' . The answer is still no, we already have plans for this morning. hmmm, she wasnt happy, but I actually felt that for once I am making my own choices for me and my children. Its only taken 31 years! We had a nice morning wandering round the shops and playing!
Sorry mom but I'm the one raising my children, not you. So I decide where they go, what they are tought and who they associate with.
Its interesting how I thought that witnesses were sane, normal people while I was one. But now that I'm out of the fold, they're pretty much nuts. Nothing can reason with them. I recently told my mother that I'm doing research on my own without taking the Society's words for what is the Truth. And I've tried different reasoning tactics with her, but none has worked yet. And while she's staying "faithful" and unmovable to her religion, I start to ask myself if I'm doing what's right. Do the Witnesses have the right religion? So, while I try to help others, it has an effect on my self-esteem and self-worth. When my mother calls, I know she cares about me, but its hard to distinguish her love and her fear of me being destroyed by God. And I really do wish the Society would just #*$& themselves and leave everybody's lives alone. But, oh well for that. The only encouragement I can give is to keep true to yourself. I know that sounds broad, but always consider your feelings. If there's nobody you can trust, then trust yourself.
Isn't that how the JW religion started to being with? Someone who wasn't satisfied with they found in the current religions DID HIS OWN RESEARCH AND STUDYING. The result was "The Truth". Hey mom, maybe I'm being guided by God's hand too!
I wish my mother called.
It seems to me that the constant calling or nagging IS about caring for your welfare. Being so grounded in their faith they are convinced it's the "truth". They see it as the best way of life for them and you.
I would give anything to have my mother call me because she wanted me to have a life that she saw as the only way for "salvation". If I agreed or not, it would be wonderful to know she cared.
Ifwalli, it depends. There is such a thing as verbal abuse. If your mother hit you with a baseball bat every time you saw her, I don't think you would yearn for her "touch." Some JW parents think they are being loving with their hurtful words, but instead they are verbally beating their children.
I'd rather not be like a dog that comes back to is owner even when it has been kicked numerous times.
BTW, welcome to the board, and I'm glad that you still retain positive feelings about your mother. Does she have positive feelings about you?
Words hurt worse than any touch ever could. And when a loved one uses those sharp words to verbally beat you into the ground because of who are, what you are, where you are and why then it is an attack on your person. It is a full assault and a rejection of everything that is YOU. I don't care who you are, a mother, father or friend...if you reject who or how I am then you have rejected me. So goodbye to you then.