Of course there were some misspellings of only the word ?aspartame? ? lol.
lol... I was mostly joking. That didn't stop me from reading the information you gathered.
Just read it again and check against the references.
Most of those references were a joke. "600 airline pilots have reported severe problems when consuming aspartame-laced drinks." For a reference I'm supposed to check with an org with an anti-aspartame agenda.
I'll take some time and post my comments on the info you gathered and show why many people don't believe this propaganda. My only suggestion is to not instantly believe everything you read. If you search you will find counterarguments to each point in the information you gathered. Look at both sides.
Further, when aspartame breaks down in the body, it releases methanol, a gas that negatively affects optic nerve function and interferes with blood supply to the retina, resulting in vision loss.
Methanol is found in many food products. It sounds scary to say it breaks down to formic acid or formaldehyde, but that is a normal, safe process and is what happens each time you drink fruit juice.
Because the FDA conveniently lists aspartane as a ?food additive?, it removes the legal requirement for adverse effect reporting...
Uh huh... so why why saccharine was labeled a carcinogen for so long? Don't you think there were big companies that didn't want that to happen to good ol' saccharine? If aspartame was truly bad, it wouldn't matter much to the companies that use the product. They would simply switch to another artificial sweetener. And the anti-artificial sweetener propaganda machine would start in on that "chemical weapon."
described several recent aircraft accidents involving confusion and aberrant pilot behavior caused by ingestion of products containing aspartame.
Where did he get these facts from? The reference, like most of them, is useless if you actually want to check the source of this information. How many airline crashes do you hear about? They are almost without fail caused by mechanical problems or weather.
tumors were removed from laboratory animals and animals were ?restored to life? in laboratory records.
Again, the footnote listed after this statement is not even a reference. It's just an additional statement that should have been put in the main paragraph. No way to check this assertion for validity.
During the 1991 Gulf War, all military personnel were provided free supplies of aspartame-laced soft drinks together with experimental vaccines,nerve gas antidotes and personal insecticides. They were also treated to direct biochemical warfare compounds. The result is Gulf War Syndrome
This is so rediculous!!! They probably also consumed water and food. Why not blame the gulf war syndrome on that?
since high doses instill a craving for calorie-laden carbohydrates.
Maybe it does in some people... I don't know. I know it doesn't have that effect on me. Again, the reference is a joke ... doesn't list any particular publication to check. Just a name of some guy.
even the American Cancer Society confirmed that users of artificial sweeteners gained more weight than those who didn?t use the products, further undermining the supposed ?purpose? for the existence of aspartame in the food
Probably because people have unhealthy eating habits already and are trying to counter it by eating "diet" products instead of eating healthy. Not aspartame's fault.
It is the only chemical warfare weapon available in mass quantities on the grocery shelf and promoted in the media.
More scare tactics that show this is propaganda.
It has also been indicated that women with an intolerance for phenylalinine, one of the components of aspartame, may give birth to infants with as much as a 15% drop in intelligence level if they habitually consume products containing this dangerous substance.
The key here is that they are intolerant to a protein component found in aspartame (and also found in all other protein-bearing foods). If you're allergic/intolerant to something you shouldn't eat it!! What about people who are deathly allergic to peanuts? Are peanuts also a weapon of mass destruction?
?the Federal Aviation Administration conducted its own cognitive research and, according to experts, found no contraindications that would prevent pilots, or anyone, from ingesting aspartame.?
Not surprised they didn't find anything. So they fall back on the conspiracy theory that the "FAA is in on this scandal." Yeah right! What possibly does the FAA have to gain? I suppose the greedy aspartame company paid them off?
The symptoms of aspartame intoxication include severe headaches, nausea, vertigo, insomina, loss of control of limbs, blurred vision, blindness, memory loss, slurred speech, mild to severe depression often reaching suicidal levels, hyperactivity, gastrointestinal disorders, seizures, skin lesions, rashes, anxiety attacks, muscle and joint pain, numbness, mood changes, loss of energy, menstrual cramps out of cycle, hearing loss or ringing in the ears, loss or change of taste, and symptoms similar to those in a heart attack
Throw out a big list of symptoms everyone has experienced and many people will be happy to believe that aspartame must be causing it. I especially love how there are many contradictory items here. It causes hyperactivity and loss of energy!
Aspartame is the only biochemical warfare product on grocery shelves....
More unsubstantiated scare propaganda.