Last night was the first meeting of the circuit overseers visit. I didnt go, but I know (because of a call from an elder about two weeks ago) that they are going to visit me this week. AHH!! I really dont want them to come over but I dont know how to stop that from happening. They haven't called and I dont think they will, they'll just show up. WHat am I to do???
Circuit Overseer Visit....not interested
by New Castles 63 Replies latest jw friends
Don't answer the door...........
I vote for not answering the door.
New Castles
very good, in thinking about this so much, that honestly slipped my mind. (they do recognize my car and will know if Im home, though)
Put one of those "Do Not Disturb" signs that they have in hotels on your front doorknob.......
New Castles
I think I'll do that
Put one of those "Do Not Disturb" signs that they have in hotels on your front doorknob.......
...or, "If this house is rocking, don't bother knocking". Don't forget to turn on the sound effects when they show up.
When they call, just tell them that now is not a good time. If they press for a specific appointment, take their number and tell them you will call.
Say you are not "able" to talk.
They should respect that. If they press hold your ground. If they knock don't answer.
Room 215
How about making yourself scarce? I think the most likely time they'll come looking for you is Saturday morning; why not plan a nice breakfast at the local IHOP?