Do Jehovah's Witnesses Have the Only True Religion

by Theocrat 96 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Corvin
    2- The Bible foretold at Matthew 7:15, 21-23 that after the death of the apostles, wrong teachings and unchristian practices would slowly come into the Christian congregation. And Acts 20:29, 30 show that men would draw away believers to follow them instead of Christ. That is why we see so many different religions that claim to be Christian, but that doesn't mean that they are all acceptable ways to God.

    OK, try to keep up with me, Theopatra. We are all either apostate or DF'd or both (up in heah). We cannot get within 50 feet of a congregation, and you know it. We are shunned and treated as if dead. Who would listen to our "false teachings" anyway?

    From where then, will these wrong teachings and unchristian practices come from? Where did they come from in the Jewish system in Jesus' day? That's right, Theocrap; it was the LEADERS from the top-down who corrupted the law.

    OK, with me so far mr. cut and paste?

    Who really [claims] to be the faithful and discreet slave who is giving the sleeplike ones their [spiritual] food? Aha! there it is! The only way that wrong teachings can seep into the congregation and corrupt the pure teachings of Christ with any real measure of success, is from the Governing Body itself since they are the ones writing policy. Think about that . . .

    MMM MMM good! Anyone else want a theo-snack?

  • shamus

    The way that you read your bible verses is just how they taught us, over and over again. My point being listening to Theocrat is like listening to a talk. It just strikes me as weird.

    I hope that you still keep posting here, Theocrat. We can have some very interesting discussions.

  • El blanko
    El blanko

    As I said earlier and will add to - forgot reading endless pages on this board, get hold of "In Search Of Christian Freedom" and have a good read of that scholarly work. It explains this situation far better than any us are probably capable of.

    If you dare! ... and to repeat the essence of my post again - if you have the truth what is there to fear?

    Take care friend.

  • Leolaia

    Did Theocrat yet address the UN/NGO issue? I think I may have missed it.

  • undercover

    Are you guys serious about the UN thing? You know it was BS! There was no wild beast of revalation harlot of

    I know the WTS history been a JW all my life.

    You must be very young and only know the history of the WTS during your short time involved with them (and obvioulsy didn't study WTS history). I've been a JW most of my life(up until recently anyway) and during most of my 40some years the WTS, both in print and in spoken word, used very strong language condemning the UN as the Wild Beast. They also condemned Bablyon the Great for her involvement with the UN. I know, I grew up with this propaganda spewed at me on a weekly basis.

    You can minimalize the UN/NGO affliation if you want to, but anyone who knows any history of the WTS knows that they really stepped in it when they got caught as an NGO.

  • Maya


    You're awesome.......

  • XQsThaiPoes

    LOL are you defending the watchtower's sense of integrity?

    It is a flighty mercurial organization. They did not "step in it" they were being true to form. You should read about aluminum cookware, or flu shots, or the assets of the negro. The watchtower makes something up spits fire and brimstone then moves on to something else.

    They saw the UN was too anemic in the 90's and moved on. If the UN gets a major booster shot in the future the beast will return. Heck these pedophile scandals in the future may be seen as punishment for flirting with the wild beast. It is all good writing. The watchtower is a serial just like a comic book. They have to keep people interested, and gain new readers. If the WTS can link some obscure bible verse to a implied modern day fulfillment then they will try.

    I am supprised how many people can't see the watchtower MO. These are the guys that said the 1975 fall out was due to banning smoking. I am still inside this thing and I see it. When the wts wants to get rid of something they will stop printing about it then after the statute of limitations wares off do a recontinuity. The only problem with the UN thing is they reconed after they left the UN instead of before.

  • myauntfanny
    Whether you're a doubter or another agitator, just look at what the Bible says:

    Jesus seems to have been quite an agitator himself.

    1- Jesus started one true Christian religion. After the Christian arrangement had been established for some time, the Apostle Paul under inspiration further showed at Ephesians 4:4, 5 that there must be just one body, or group, of true worshipers of God. Plus, Jesus taught us at Matthew 7:13, 14 that only a few people are on the narrow road to life.

    But it doesn't mention anywhere in the Bible that JWs are the one true religion.

    2- The Bible foretold at Matthew 7:15, 21-23 that after the death of the apostles, wrong teachings and unchristian practices would slowly come into the Christian congregation. And Acts 20:29, 30 show that men would draw away believers to follow them instead of Christ. That is why we see so many different religions that claim to be Christian, but that doesn't mean that they are all acceptable ways to God.

    Those men could just as well be the Governing Body as anybody else, since it doesn't specify anyone by name.

    3- The most outstanding mark of true Christians according to John 13:34, 35 is that they have real love among themselves. They are not taught to think that they are better than people of other races or skin color. They aren't taught to hate people from other countries. So they do not share in wars.

    No, they're only taught to hate anyone who disagrees with them, which includes, let's see, almost everyone on earth. They don't share in wars but they're all sitting around hoping desperately for the big one that's gonna kill, oops, that would be almost everyone on earth again, including own friends and relatives. I'm not seeing the love here.

    4- Another mark of true religion is that its members have a deep respect for the Bible. They accept it as the Word of God and believe what it says. They treat God's Word as being more important than human ideas or customs, as Jesus stressed that importance at Matthew 15:1-3, 7-9. They try to live by the Bible in their everyday life. So they do not preach one thing and then practice another.

    There's an awful lot of room for interpretation in living by the bible. There's not a single word in there that specifies JWs as having the right interpretation. But maybe that's just a mistake in the translation.

    5- According to Matthew 6:9 the true religion must also honor God's name. Jesus made God's name, Jehovah, known to others. True Christians must do the same.

    I'm not getting this. Lots of non-JWs use the name Jehovah. JWs use the name Jehovah. Where's the specialness?

    6- True Christians must preach about God's Kingdom. Jesus did so. He always talked about the Kingdom. At Matthew 24:14 and 28:19 he commanded his disciples to preach this same message in all the earth. That Kingdom is the only thing that will bring true peace and security to this earth

    Well, I meet lots of people who preach to me about Jesus as saviour. They're all over the place. So no extra credit points there.

    7- Jesus' disciples must be no part of this wicked world, as stated at John 17:16. They do not get involved in the world's political affairs and social controversies. They avoid the harmful conduct, practices, and attitudes that are common in the world.
    Jesus himself certainly DIDN'T avoid them, he started the biggest political controversy of his time, by saying the people in power were corrupt. Religon WAS politics, and pretty much still is, maybe that's why the JWs joined up with the UN? And lots of JWs indulge in the harmful conduct, practices and attitudes that are common in the world. Exes on here talk all the time about the hypocrital hanky-panky they saw going on, from wife beating to pedophilia to alcoholism, and lord knows I've seen enough of it myself. There's scandal and nonsense from top to bottom and beginning to end of this organisation. Then JWs say, oh but that's just imperfect people. Okay, well then exactly who is it that is supposed to be the basis of this particular "proof" that JWs are the one true religion?
  • boa

    XQ, it took me a bit reading your posts here and elsewhere but I think I'm starting to understand your 'angle' and its more to add to the pile of different viewpoints - thank you!


  • undercover
    it took me a bit reading your posts here and elsewhere but I think I'm starting to understand your 'angle' and its interesting

    I had to go back and re-read some of XQ's posts also. I admit that I thought at first that XQ was defending the WTS, but now I see his angle, so I apologize for jumping back so quick on you on the UN thing XQ.

    But, I do wonder, especially with your take on the WTS, why you stay "in" the organization? Many are trying to fade for various reasons, but they are hesitant to admit that they are still a JW or still "in". Sometimes you mention JWs as "they" and then other times as "we". Which way will you fall off the fence?

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