destruction of Watchtower
by dh 36 Replies latest jw friends
destruction of Watchtower
I'm usually thinking "why is it that I can't stay awake watching TV, but as soon as I TRY to go to sleep, I can't?"
sometimes that happens to me too.. I hate that. I'll be fighting with everything to stay awake while watching tv... and then I finally give in and go to bed.. and NOPE.. can't seem to fall asleep there..
I think about where to get rid of the paper towel or sock...
Must... say... awake... to watch.... Third... Rock.... From.... Sun.....
counting naked women....but first I have to take off their clothes....slowly....I usually don't get past 2
kinky sex
I think about Dan-O thinking about kinky sex.
Havent slept in days.
"Sleep" - and then I do.
If I have any trouble (which is a rare occurance) I pray - it usually works like a charm...