This site has been the most incredible help to me-UNTIL TODAY

by ohiocowboy 57 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Valis

    *gives itsallgood another wedgie for good measure*


    District Overbeer

  • Gretchen956

    ((((ohiocowboy)))) Sorry you too have gotten hurt from the minority on this forum that resort to name calling. It seems like whenever there is a gay thread those few people always come in to flame and stir up passions. I too almost quit as a result of it. I have stayed and for the most part I'm glad I did. There are some great people here. I live in the Seattle area and have had occasion to meet many of the ones in my area in person. If nothing else I have met some awesome people and made (I hope) some friends.

    ThiChi, yes there is evil, it lies in the minds of narrow minded bigoted people that stir up hatred against another class of society. Other than that, I would say that mostly there is a lot of gray area. The bible is an interesting book of fiction, in my opinion, but to think or say that it is the ultimate authority over people that do not own it or believe it is bs. We too have our moral code and it is every bit as strong as your own. I do believe passionately in your right to your opinion. But you have to understand that that is exactly what it is, and that we have the exact same right to our own without namecalling or slander.

    The bible has been used for centuries as an excuse for violence and bloodshed. It seems like in between times we just use it as a blunt instrument to beat others over the head with. Enough already.

    Blessed be~

  • itsallgoodnow

    I didn't mean you, valis!

  • Sassy

    The majority of us to NOT think like that poster did. Please remember that. After being a part of the WTS and coming out from under those restraints, I can't believe that people are not open minded, or at least keep their mouth shut when it comes to areas they themselves do not agree with.

    For what it is worth, I have been enjoying your presence on the board and I hope you, like Gretchen, stay,

  • Fleur

    awww, ohiocowboy, there are a few in every group, aren't there? (((((((((hugs))))))))

    please don't take it to heart. I think its safe to say that most here have a much more enlightened view...myself, i may be a straight woman, but if gay people are gonna 'get what sodom and gomorrah got' or whatever, then line me up with them when judgement comes cause i sure as hell don't want to live with the bigots that would supposedly be left behind.


    at some point, especially when we're new around here, we each see something that sends us reeling. for some it may be a comment directed at them personally, for others, something else, but it sends them running saying "what was i thinking? i don't belong in this place!"

    there is much help to be had here, and some fine people. but like everywhere you go in life, there are those who will condemn you and call you things (I've been called a fornicator and adulteror myself, since we're sharing nasty labels...) i've been called a w*ore too and that was by the first man who swore his love and was supposed to protect and cherish me.

    there are idiots, don't let them get you down. it's not worth it.

    more hugs,


  • City Fan
    City Fan

    Noumonem's comment was a disgrace but JCanon didn't respond to it, so good for him!

    People who were gits as JWs are usually gits when they leave the JWs. An ex-JW doesn't automatically mean a loving caring person. But it's a public forum and you'll get these kind of comments from time to time. Glad to see that it was dealt with.


  • shotgun

    It's tough to let stupid remarks roll off of you sometimes ohiocowboy but if there's one thing I learned over the last few years it's this...and this has nothing to do with Gumby or Valis...

    You can't change stupid so you just have to learn to deal with it or avoid it if neccesary. Prejudice was instilled into dubs from the time they were old enough to talk, especially in regards to gay men, women and apostates as well.

    Don't worry about the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah, a natural phenomenon destroyed those people and the ancient goat herders attributed it to God.

  • LittleToe

    Can we try not to lose sight of the fact that we are all on an individual pathway, with "issues" to work out.

    For some it'll be their view of homosexuals, for others authority figures, etc., etc., etc.

    I suspect that many "currently tolerant" ex-JW's had issues with homosexuality when they first exited the borg. We were conditioned that way, folks. Let's not forget that some are still going to hold on to certain viewpoints. Further, these are viewpoints that are also held in common with some folks who were never JW's.

    I believe this site is contributing to leveling out a few of those real-world issues that we all face on a day-to-day basis.

    LT "confident with his sexuality - just ask Gadget" class

  • natalienu

    Am really sorry you have had to find that on here. I for one as am sure many of us on here are extremely open-minded and I say be yourself, whoever that may be!

    No grudges or anything held here and look forward to a good old chinwag on chat soon!

    Feel the love

    Nat xxxx

  • mouthy

    ohiocowboy!!!! I must have missed the nasty comment you said somone wrote..But believe me. I wouldnt bother with such narrow mindedness,

    Take it from where it comes.... I have three Homosexuels as very dear friends. We dont bother to talk about "sex preferances " I know they are because they told me.... But it isnt anything I think about when we meet.No more than we talk about my celibacy( ha! ha! cant spell it even LOL)

    If your going to take offense at others remarks -you will lose many good friends on here. They mostly kid me because I believe in Jesus. Dont bother me.... I love to be teased. Makes life more interesting.

    I hope you dont leave us. It is a place where we can spill our guts!!! & know we are still cared for . We cant see each other( but then we KNOW they are there ) Just like I cant see Jesus but I know he is here also (((( NOW I am running from the stoning I will get )))HA! HA Missed me!!!!!

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