The truth is------- we have lost out on soooooo much, simply because we were Witnesses. It might b like almost starting all over again, for some of us. What hits you as to what you could've had or have outrightly lost???
Do You Realize How Much Being a Witness Has Hindered You?
by minimus 39 Replies latest jw friends
The only thing that I lost and feel that I cant get back, Is my older childs first.
First Birthday, Christmas, and so on............
And I guess my young party years, but I can still do that.
The truth is------- we have lost out on soooooo much, simply because we were Witnesses.
I prefer to look at the glass half full instead of half empty. Yes, I lost out on some stuff being raised a JW for over 90% of my time on earth so far. The way I look at it, it could have been far worse, I could have been a child of a crack head, or thrown in a dumpster, or aborted if my parents were not JWs.
It was what it was, and in fact, in some ways it made me a better person than I might have been if I were never a JW.
How much of your life are you wasting living it on a discussion forum every day of your life after being a JW?
Quit being a victim, and make the best of what you have left.
What hits you as to what you could've had or have outrightly lost???
I could have lost my virginity sooner. And that would have been a good thing.
Seriously though, my teenage/young adult years. I feel that I really missed out on something there. But, even though I feel that way, I'm not gonna blame the WTS for it. Many other youths miss out for various other reasons, so who's to say that I would have had a great teen life if I hadn't been a JW?
If you tell ANYONE what jw life deprived you of, they look at you in puzzlement. Let's face were not "normal".
The truth is------- we have lost out on soooooo much, simply because we were Witnesses. It might b like almost starting all over again, for some of us. What hits you as to what you could've had or have outrightly lost???
Lost out on things that is the average social norm, yes. You can list a lot of what could have beens. What hits me is that I've lost the mental imprisonment.
Wanted more children, but only had one..Not that is was a bad thing, as it turned out to be good in many ways, but I was restricting my family size to more fully serve the Org and not because of my needs or wants...there were many other things i gave up in life--music, art, education, friendships that could've been..
But if there is an upside to all of this, I did learn some big lessons in the end. I now cherish my friends and family and I have learned the meaning of unconditional love--I may not have seen this so clearly if not for my time served in the Org.
Well, it never really helps to dwell on the should-a's and the could-a's, however, as I grow, it becomes clear to me that I would have had a very successful career in producing music. I am just starting out and I love it so much. I work with some pretty incredible talent. I now have my success to look forward to in that area of my life.
The only thing that keeps me from pulling a James Huberty is giving the tragedies in my life a posative meaning. I try to give it some kind of perspective that empowers me to propel myself into the future. Right now, I look at my wonderful wife, my precious kids, the relationships I have and am trying to cultivate, and I must believe that everything in my life, every decision, every action, everything that has ever happened to me has lead up to the success I now have and will have in the future.
If I had not have married my first wife, the biyatch, I never would have met my current wife, the love of my life. It goes sort of like that for me.
Minimus, I really like the threads you start.
Good question, as always, minimus! I missed out on education when I had the time and fewer distractions. However, if I hadn't been a pioneer I wouldn't have met Big Tex, and vice versa, so I will always be grateful for that. And I like my life the way it is. I have a friend who does have a college degree and she's having a lot more trouble finding a job than I ever did, so I guess everything works out!
Few people normal. Enjoy the fact you are different.
The only thing that hinders me is my fear of women it is not the WTS fualt I was traumatised as a child. In an odd way. The WTS rules on dating shelters a fear I already have and probally won't help it. I have gotten to the point that I have been "encouged" to marry (I am only 23). And my parents thought I was going gay.
Sadly I am just a misogynist. I probally won't over come this fear until I um.... wow realistically I would have to get really loaded while a hot asian chick slipped a ring on me and smuggled me off to vagas. Okay never. IT is not that I am not attacted to them just they make me feel malicious which is wrong which makes me feel guilty... rinse wash repeat.