About very bad boys....

by Country Girl 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • bikerchic
    have had some feedback that I should NOT talk to him or let him come here unless he apologizes to Dad. My JW brother says that I shoudl tell him that he CANNOT come to the house or call me unless he calls our Dad and explains and apologizes. Does thta seeem reasonable? I love my son..

    Seems very reasonable to me! I would tell him he's revoked your visiting him in prison and bringing him cookies, tear up your Mommy card with him until if ever he gets himself straightened out. Love means sometimes in their best interest you have to be tough!

    Sorry you have such a bad boy ((((CC)))), that makes me sad.


  • xjw_b12

    ((((( Country Girl )))))) So sorry to hear you are being put through this.

    When fellow posters here coo and gurgle about how great kids are, I cringe, knowing what could be coming, if they grow up to become heinous fellons.

    My JW brother says that I shoudl tell him that he CANNOT come to the house or call me unless he calls our Dad and explains and apologizes. Does thta seeem reasonable? I love my son..

    Tough Love Girl. And I would add to the statement your brother made, not only an apology, but restitution.

  • little witch
    little witch

    ((((countrygirl)))) I am so sorry you are going through this!

    An explaination and apology is not only recommended, but mandatory!

    The fact that JR sees his Grandpa as an easy target for such frivolous gain shows how warped his thinking is. I hope he gets into a program of some sort.

    I would suggest that he get into rehab BEFORE COURT.... It would be the best solution for all concerned, and perhaps lighten his sentence. Hopefully, this is his "bottom" and things will improve.

    This is no reflection on you as a parent hon. Kids grow up, and make their own decisions. We raise them the best we can, and they must become responsible for their own actions. Seperating your own values and self-esteem is a good thing. He broke the rules of decency and respect, not you. Let him pay for it. Support him as far as continued guidence in the right direction, but let him pay for his own error.

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