Just Rambling

by Yerusalyim 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yerusalyim

    I was outside watching a yellow jacket fly about collecting pollen from the clovers out by the smoke area. It was pretty neat. How does it know these are flowers? Why would it skip over several to try one farther away. Was it's pattern planned, intelligent, happenstance? Why didn't it ever land on the same flower twice?

    It was pretty amazing and interesting. I attribute it to God making all things for their purpose, others can attribute it to nature...point is, there is something out there greater than us.

    Have a nice day.

  • blacksheep

    others can attribute it to nature...point is, there is something out there greater than us.

    I would agree. I just don't think that we're intelligent enough to wrap our arms around what it actually is.

    Here's an example of things I experience now and then that just defy explanation. I was living overseas, when I had this dream about a JW woman I had known during my childhood (she had two chidren, and my sister and I were close to them as children). I hadn't seen or spoken with her in in over 20 years, and I cannot recall giving her a concious thought. One night I dreamed about her--she was visiting me overseas in my house, and she was giving me advice of some sort.

    A couple days later I was speaking with my mother back in the states. She mentioned "You remember Ann, Steve and Sue's mom? She just unexpectedly died." I was, of course, shocked. I couldn't help mentioning that I had just dreamed about her. Of course, my JW mom was creeped out thinking, possibly, that my mind was finally taken over by demons.

    Anyway, my life has been full of such "conincidences." Yes, I think there is something much bigger out there, and I believe that there is some form of life after death. But I think we just barely scratch the surface here.

  • Flash
    It was pretty amazing and interesting. I attribute it to God making all things for their purpose

    I agree whole heartedly. Creation is wonderfuly DEEP.

    I think the only reasons people don't believe or don't want to believe in the existance of a Creator is the gross errors of 'religion' or the 'accountability factor.' Many people just don't want to answer and be accountabe to anyone, even God.

  • funkyderek
    I think the only reasons people don't believe or don't want to believe in the existance of a Creator is the gross errors of 'religion' or the 'accountability factor.'

    You're wrong. I, for one, don't believe in gods or demons because I find no evidence to support the existence of such entities.

  • Flash
    You're wrong...I find no evidence to support the existence of such entities

    I would ask you to consider as proof, life itself in all its abundance and the incredibly intricate physical reality that exists around us.

  • gitasatsangha
    I would ask you to consider as proof, life itself in all its abundance and the incredibly intricate physical reality that exists around us.

    Some people see a length of rope on the ground, and recoil in horror believing they've run afoul of a snake. Your perception is your reality. Mine is mine. All we can do is accept it and get along.

  • Flash
    Your perception is your reality. Mine is mine. All we can do is accept it and get along.

    I agree with you to a point. We all live our lives largely according to our beliefs and opinions, yet reality is what it is regardless of how we perceive it. In the end 'a rope is just a rope.'

    Please don't misunderstand, I'm all for getting along. I'm not here to fight with anyone. I do enjoy a logical debate.

  • funkyderek
    I would ask you to consider as proof, life itself in all its abundance and the incredibly intricate physical reality that exists around us.

    And I have. I believe that (for the most part) the complexity and abundance can be adequately explained by known physical laws. Postulating an unseen, all powerful, infinitely complex entity does not strike me as a very useful explanation for the bits we can't yet explain.

  • itsallgoodnow
    I think the only reasons people don't believe or don't want to believe in the existance of a Creator is the gross errors of 'religion' or the 'accountability factor.' Many people just don't want to answer and be accountabe to anyone, even God.

    I disagree. I see no need for the "fear" that religions, and the bible, must use to keep people in their grip. Why would god want to kill anybody who doesn't believe in him? Does that make sense? IMO Believers are all just hedging their bets. Their dissonance is temporarily relieved when they can change a nonbeliever's mind.

  • xjw_b12

    That is the one problem I have. Reconciling the beauty and diversity of nature, vs a creator, who seems to "have left the building"

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