Hello, I'm new here

by paulE 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • paulE

    I've visited this board before and enjoyed it very much.

    I was disfellowshipped many years ago, then went through 7 years of not even thinking about JWs. Three years ago I started studying the Bible. At first it was very hard to study without going back to the "default settings" established by 45 years in the WTS. But, I disproved many doctrines to myself and felt comfortable that I was o.k., past the endoctrination.

    Yesterday, I had a customer who had heart problems and was afraid that he was near death. I had started a Bible discussion with him. He said that because of facing death, he had been studying the Bible for a year. He asked me many questions and we had a very good discussion. Finally, he asked me if I was a preacher and where my church was located. I told him that I was not a preacher, that I did not attend church, that I was a Bible student.

    The man continued to ask Bible questions, saying that the church that he was studying with was not very satisfying spiritually, and that he wanted to go where he could develope the faith and love that he had seen in me. Finally, I asked what church he was attending. He said Jehovah's Witnesses.

    For some reason, I just couldn't continue the conversation. I wanted to warn him, I wanted to tell him my experience, I wanted to tell him about NGO's and pedefiles and 1914 and 1975 and on an on. I wanted to tell him to run like hell. But, I couldn't. Today, I feel like that organization still has some hold on me. I hate that feeling.

  • ohiocowboy

    WELCOME!!! I am sure you will enjoy it here!!!!

  • kls

    Welcome PaulE. maybe sometime you will see him again and the time will be right.

  • Jonty Parkin
    Jonty Parkin

    Hi PaulE, and welcome! I'm rather new here myself, but I already feel I have gained so much benefit.

    I know you are a caring person and that you wanted to help this chap, but don't assume personal responsibility for his spiritual welfare. And remember, it's very hard for one man to fight against the psycological might of the JW's. You'd be on a hiding to nothing there my friend!

    Personally, apart from reading the occasional psalm or proverb for personal comfort, I have steered totally clear of bible study. My reason for this is, that I seriously doubt that it is possible to study the bible with any individual or organisation and for it to remain impartial. But that's just my view.

    Anyway, welcome, and may you find peace and contentment.


  • seeitallclearlynow

    Hi Paul, and welcome back to this forum! Good post, thank you very much for sharing. Interesting, isn't it??

    Well, if you get this response right away, why don't you join the big group currently in chat? They're all very nice people, and I will be going there now too. 6:35pm. I was in the organization for over 30 years too.

  • weasel

    Hello paulE and welcome. The hesitation in telling the truth about "The Truth" is normal for you, I and many others here in the beginning and I believe most of us in this room have entertained the same circumstances. Just give it time and stay in touch with your friends here.


  • Nina

    Yes, it seems that something has a hold on you.

    If you say "the organization" does, you will spin your wheels fighting WT.

    If you say that "conditioning" is what held you back, there is hope. You can retrain your mind.

    Think it through.


  • Flash

    Hi paulE I enjoyed reading your post. I could relate and had to laugh when the customer said the Witnesses "was not very satisfying spiritually" It was a compliment to you and no doubt your 'normalness.' The Witnesses have become so much about rules and so little about genuiness I'm surprised anyone joins them. The relentless conditioning we recieved from the WTS is deep and long lasting I afraid...but not permanent!

  • Stefanie


  • jgnat

    I wouldn't worry about it too much. It is hard to break in with a flood of information right after you met a guy. I have had the same reaction when a crack addict showed me open sores on her leg. My first reaction was shock. I did not think of an appropriate shrieky reply a few hours later, when she was long gone. HOW CAN YOU CONTINUE WITH SOMETHING SO OBVIOUSLY HARMFUL????

    Maybe it is for the best. Overloading the poor guy could have scared him away. It sounds like he is smart enough to cut off before baptism anyhow.

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