The following quote is one taken from H20 AFTER you claimed on this forum that you weren't posting your "Compassion" post in order to incite guilt feelings within this forum:
I agree that if they feel that something is wrong with Rick then they are certainly shooting the wounded - but that is typical cult behaviour - they learnt this as JW's .... they just haven't learnt the compassion they so much desired to see within the organization themselves yet.
In the original post you put "Shooting the Wounded" in bold letters, effectively showing that you posted that diatribe in order to make people who were denouncing Rick and his methods of moderating his forum. You claimed in this forum that it was posted "for the newbies".
Also, in the same "Compassion" thread, I brought to your attention that your controlling tactics were proven by the fact that you sign people up to your "email list" without their permission, then when they NICELY ask to be removed, you totally ignore their wishes! I have it on good authority that I am far from the only one you have done this to. When I brought this to your attention, in order for you to possibly do some soul searching and ask yourself if you're not being a bit too controlling like the WTBTS, you came back with some ridiculous answer, about how I should have ASKED you to remove my name from your list in the first place. Jan, it is rude and bad netiquette to add ANYONE to your email list without their express permission or request. Furthermore, I had already stated that I asked you previously THREE TIMES to remove my email from your list, when you came up with that little jewel of an answer. Anyone who may be interested will find that answer in the "Compassion" thread on this forum.
My questions to you are: Why did you claim to have posted that to the newbies only, when your post to H20 proves conclusively that it WAS to incite guilt into former posters to H20?
And why do you sign people up to your email list without their permission, then fail to remove them from it when they request it MULTIPLE TIMES in a nice and polite manner?
Third and last, Why, when I asked you about it, did you try to blame ME and tell me I should have asked you to remove me, when I had in fact already asked you to MULTIPLE TIMES?