Thanks SJ, and Simon too. I appreciate your input on this topic.
by Roamingfeline 28 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks SJ, and Simon too. I appreciate your input on this topic.
Ok, in Jans defense I was quickly taken off her lists upon request, not once but with 2 email accounts, she removed me quickly with no questions asked. remember me jan? im sabina from jesus witness list i once belonged to?
The question remains, Claudia, did you PUT YOURSELF ONTO HER LIST?
Most of the people I have talked with about this problem never asked to be on the list in the first place.
Oh, and on the subject of Co-dependency? I don't think Jan is co-dependent. I think she's obsessive/controlling and in deep denial of her own behavior problems. Otherwise, she wouldn't have any trouble owning up to what she's done regarding subscriptions to her email list.
Yep,good summary.I couldn't agree more. These incidents went on with others on the old h20 as well.hugs,Tina
The question remains, Claudia, did you PUT YOURSELF ONTO HER LIST?
Most of the people I have talked with about this problem never asked to be on the list in the first place.
EVERYONE HAS THE ABILITY TO WRITE AND ASK "PLEASE REMOVE" if they find themselves recieving e-mails from me.
[/b]You had the opportunity for over 2 years[/b] to be removed and did not try until last month! During that 2 years you actually wrote and thanked me for a few of the emails!
As for previous problems, that when I was really having cognitive problems. I was on very high doses of cortisone. My memory and concentration were badly affected. As a result I had problems with my new e-mail program setup.
So quit it Teresa! You and Tina are behaving more and more like the sharks in the compassion article .... in a feeding frenzy .... only you are frustrated cause you can't get a bite out of me.
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excuse me Jan,that was my only post in this thread-hardly the 'feeding frenzy' as you call it.
As usual you're over-reacting when something hits too close to home.
Interesting how you post these endless articles,apply them to everyone but yourself.
When I make posts,it's clear to me I may(and have) received responses I don't like either. That goes with the territory.
And if you don't like your net machinations brought up-might be time to re-evalute and change your m.o.
Now if you want to argue or continue to justify what you do,I will. If not we'll leave it at this.
I appreciate your fine efforts in trying to get people out of one crappy cult and into another crappy cult and all of that, but:
In all fairness, these folks do have a point. You must have a very LARGE mailing list. How do I know it's not some intimate mailing list? Here's how I know: on more than one occassion you have forwarded to me a post with the banner, "Read This: It's Hilarious!", or "Read this! It really gets down to the truth!" Guess what? You sent ME my OWN posts! Well, thanks for the kudos, but it seems to me that your mailing list must be so large that you can't even tell who is getting what. That's sort of like saying to Beethoven "listen to this awesome "Eroica" Symphony! Isn't it great? Beethoven would say (he COULD hear at that time in his life) "yeah, it's great alright. I wrote it." The messenger who played the fool would then say, "Oh, you did? Well, then, nevermind....."
Jan, we all love you, but gosh-dangit, you are starting to get on some nerves. You crusaded for H20 and you now post there in that ghost town and no one really answers. H20 is DEAD. Do you understand DEAD? No life. No one cares. Ghost town. Rick couldn't revive it if he tried. It ain't gonna happen. You took my e-mail and many other e-mails and automatically added them to your own personal crusade. (I don't mind that you did that, because the only things that you send me and that I read are my own works, anyway! Imagine YOU informing me of something funny or relevant that
Please, dear lady: get off your self-appointed soap-box of Kult Krusader (Tom Tally has all copyrights on that) and just settle down and CHILL. We all know you mean well, but your methods are not working for many peopole. (Keep sending me my own posts and telling me this is a "must read", though!)
Hey Farks ..... I have only sent you your own posts to let you know that I am sending them out to others.
When I send out anyone's posts I do that if I have their e-mail address......
I do it as a courtesy to the original poster OK.....
So don't get your knickers in a knot ..... at least I let you know what I am up to [:D}
As for H2O .....
It would be a pity if it were permitted to die Farks .... we need as many boards as possible ...... IT could be a great place again if people could just let the past be the past and give everyone the chance to be human. I feel very sorry for all who were hurt, and I do understand how you all feel. If all of us, including me, can get past our animosity at what happened, we can help make all the boards great places for people to come to.
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Tina .... I was not just referring to this thread ..... but the other threads where this subject was raised too .....
Surely you all have better things to do that to snap at me all the time
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Maybe we'd quit snapping if YOU'D JUST ADMIT YOU'RE GUILTY! I am truly angry that in every post back, you have tried to put the fault on the people you have wronged, rather than be an adult an admit your own guilt. YOU signed these people up to your list without their request! Now please admit it! You're just making yourself look worse by avoiding it and trying to put the blame on everyone to take themselves off your list, instead of accepting the responsibility for putting them on there in the first place! Jan, that's called irresponsible and being in denial. Plain and simple.