I think many people remain as JWs because they feel an isolation that spells security for them. They ENJOY being in their protected bubble. The realization that THEY never have to make any real decisions is appealing."What do the elders say? What's the Society's view on this? Wasn't there a Watchtower that told us how we should feel about this situation?".......Were you one of these types of persons? Were you afraid to "think" outside the box? Were you secure in knowing that you were in a "herd mentality"?
Did You Feel "Safe" Being A Jehovah's Witness???
by minimus 25 Replies latest jw friends
oh yes! that's exactly how I felt: secure, in a "bubble" not having to live in the real world.
Interesting question! I remember trying to live "by the book" in every aspect of life. Doing so was a good excuse to avoid responsibility. Then, one day, I peek out from my shell and discovered I really did have my own brain and feelings. I could "think" and "feel" all by myself!
Knowing that you CAN make your own decisions----- SCARES the Watchtower leadership. It's like eating of the "tree of knowledge" for them.
The realization that THEY never have to make any real decisions is appealing.
Making your own decisions, and living with the consequences of those decisions, good/bad/ugly as they might be, is what life is all about.
You can't blame anybody else.
Actually, the WTS has a very confusing philosphy on being safe as a JW.
11/15 p. 16 Jehovah Is Our Refuge ***In any case, the 91st Psalm promises spiritual security to anointed Christians as a class and provides similar assurance for their dedicated companions as a group.
w86 10/1 p. 14 Comfort From the God of Peace ***
However, today "a great crowd" numbering into the millions has already been gathered before that throne. As a group, these will be saved alive through the impending "great tribulation." They are shepherded by the Lamb and guided to "fountains of waters of life," so that they will never need to die off the earth. But due to age or unforeseen occurrence, some of them may die during the Lord?s "presence.
Then using Unforeseen Circumsances which leaves room for individuals to suffer loss and die
w98 8/15 pp. 15-16 Strengthening Our Confidence in God?s Righteousness ***
Even true servants of Jehovah experience the truthfulness of Ecclesiastes 9:11: "I returned to see under the sun that the swift do not have the race, nor the mighty ones the battle, nor do the wise also have the food, nor do the understanding ones also have the riches, nor do even those having knowledge have the favor; because time and unforeseen occurrence befall them all." How might this prove true in an extended, or spiritual, sense? We may have known Christians who were swift about applying Bible counsel, mighty in defending the truth, wise in applying Bible principles, and zealous in the pursuit of accurate knowledge. Yet, because of "time and unforeseen occurrence," some may now see themselves limited as a result of an accident or advanced age.
g91 2/8 p. 12 What Comfort for the Victims? ***
Jehovah?s Witnesses, like other people, are not immune to the tragedies of our times, nor do they, in this dangerous world, anticipate divine protection from death, accidental or otherwise. They know that this is not God?s will for the present. Ecclesiastes 9:11 states: "Time and unforeseen occurrence befall them all." Yet, the Witnesses have long directed attention to God?s Word, as his promises provide lasting comfort for all who embrace them.
Minimus you've got a valid point ! Makes me think of an arguement I had with my folks before i was booted from the JW Cult.
I asked them just to try to open their minds to the possibility that their beloved truth wasn't the truth.
They replied that thats OK because at least being a JW you were protected from the evils of worldly people etc etc etc yada yad yada .
Just goes to show that the BRAINWASHING of the WTBTS is so deeply entrenched they have figured out the lamest reasoning imaginable and 6 million suckers buy it.
At least the Millions (do the math) that are DF'd, DA'd and Faded are in the majority. They have figured out the cult trappings fo the "truth"
Nadsam.....freed APOSTATE
That is one of those dumb things the Society does, saying-----"as a group" or "as a class", we are safe."As a class", the anointed did what the Master wanted in 1918/1919..........No wonnder we were never feeling "safe".
Yes, but along a slightly different line. I felt somewhat "protected" from what the future might hold. I felt a certain "security." It probably did keep me in for at least a little longer than I might otherwise have stayed.
I took a bit of comfort from feeling this way when I wanted to not be bothered with the Organization. I viewed it as "compensation", the "upside."
So much for false reasoning! But we bargain in our minds and in our lives.
Nadsam, these people will rationalize almost anything!! But we know "cults" do that sorta thing, right?