G'day PC,
I wouldn't be too hopeful if I were you, they've got their agenda, remember!
But, since you have the Kingdom Interlinear and you're interested in examples of the NWT changing the text, here's another (I've mentioned it before):
Use of the Greek word synanamignysthai (to be mixing selves up with)
In 1 Corinthians 5:11 it's translated as "quit mixing in company with" and "not even eating with such a man" i.e. the WTS use this to justify their DF practice.
Yet the same word when used in 2 Thessalonians 3:14 is translated as "keep this one marked, stop associating with him" i.e. to 'justify' the WTS' marking practice.
So the same word when used by the Dubs in the NWT is one time a DF action and on another occasion a "marking" action!
Of course, we realise that any of those WTS' practices are not supported by the scriptures but the WTS can't even get their own teaching consistent!
As a footnote, it's fascinating to read in 2 Thessalonians 3 of unruly ones who were disobedient to the apostles themselves! That certainly wouldn't be tolerated today by the WTS!!!
Cheers, Ozzie