After 20 Years.....I Can't Believe It!

by RAYZORBLADE 33 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    To my special brother, Rayzor:

    This is wonderful news... I am so tickled for you. Sometimes life throws us some really hard curves, but it only makes us appreciate the magnificent gifts we receive every now and then. That's the good stuff. Thanks for posting your incredible news, and I hope that you can re-kindle an old, close friendship that meant so much to you... you deserve it! I also hope that your friend, with your invaluable lead, can find his way through the grief, confusion, and terror that leaving this religion, and its accompanying lifestyle, can sometimes entail. Good luck and good wishes my friend. God speed to you both.

    With all my heart's greatest hopes,


  • a wee scots lass
    a wee scots lass


    I have not met you yet so HI all the way from Bonnie Scotland!

    What a fantastic story!!!!!

    You have given me the courage to contact my friend who after we got DF together - went back. I have since heard that she has fallen away again so I am going to contact her and tell her how much I miss her in the hope we can be like you and pick up where we left off.

    Such good news for you - thank you for sharing that it made my day!


  • Emma

    I'm thrilled for you; thanks so much for sharing!

    I can't imagine ever seeing my closest friend from the org, and think about her ofter, but this shows you never know. I share your tears of joy.



    Well....after all the hoop-lah!

    We're going to meet-up, after 20 years.

    I can't believe it!

    I will keep you folks posted, over the next few months.

    Take care,

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