I thought I'd throw is a slightly different slant on the whole name of God... here goes
Exodus 6:3
NKJV: And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by [the name of] God Almighty, but by my name JEHOVAH was I not known to them.
Latin Vulgate: qui apparui Abraham Isaac et Iacob in Deo omnipotente et nomen meum Adonai non indicavi eis
Here, we have a clear understanding that God Almighty [in red] appears as Deo which translates to "God". We see then [bold black] that Adonai is given to the name Jehovah. In hebrew God's name is JHWH which when translated means the "eternal one".
Exodus 3:14 "I AM hath sent me unto you" we know what it means as reference to his name and how the name came about, namely JHWH [which when pronounced is not Jahweh but more like Agh-Yah]. "I AM" not only is a statement of the present tense it cannot age and become past tense [I WAS for example] or get ahead of us and be future tense [I WILL BE as an example] therefore it is eternal in it's definition as well as the name God wanted to be known by at that time -- interesting the way a translation actually fits it's original meaning here on more than one level.
Back to the point...
Isaiah 24:6
NKJV: Trust ye in the LORD for ever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH [is] everlasting strength:
Latin Vulgate: sperastis in Domino in saeculis aeternis in Domino Deo forti in perpetuum
Now the NKJV has differed from the Latin and uses Jehovah instead of God where Deo is found. I can search more but I'm sure this is a tried and trusted method that can be disclaimed if one disbelieves the validity of the source. The name Jehovah was injected into the bible by a Catholic Priest from Latin Vulgate in 1270. This gives us another catch 22 issue. Either there was an error in the translation and it was misplaced in that line [which makes it work of a fallible man who may have made more errors] or it was not supposed to have been done whereby someone took on the responsibility of assuming that name for us and still being fallible made an arroneous entry. Either way, in straight translation it has been modified to read more than it should.
As if the word within the NWT has not ben discredited enough, think on this:
1. NWT First Edition [1950] with reference to Exodus 3:14 & John 8:58 [remembering my statement earlier of the present tense of I AM]
Notations of Correction on the appropriate pages read "Because of the 'perfect indefinite tense' in the Greek, [Exodus 3:14 and John 8:58], "I AM" should read "I have been".
This was kept in for 15 years and then removed when pointed out that the perfect indefinite tense does not exist What reason was there for the statement and what does this say for the Greek Scholars at Bethel? Liars or inadequate? You decide.
2. 125 years prior to the arrival of Jesus of Nazareth were a group of scholars known as the "70 scholars". Among other things they translated the name of God as spoken to Moses at the burning bush into Greek as "I AM".
Jesus of Nazareth accepted and used these translations in his teachings. He HIMSELF accepted this translation. So we know that this was correct for both Jesus and his Apostles / Disciples.
And on a final note,
What did Jesus mean in John 8:58 when he said "... before Abraham came to existence (before Abraham was), I am."
Then in :59 the Jews wanted to stone him. Stoning usually occurs when you go against God in such cases as blasphemy. Calling himself a servant of God is not blasphemy. Even calling himself "a god" as did many of the rulers of the time, wasn't blasphemous in the eyes of the Jews so what did he mean when he made that statement and was in the midst of an angry mob about to stone him?