Hi Robert: This site is not negative. It is a place where people are free to discuss issues, many of which mean exposing problems associated with the Watch Tower religion. If the Watch Tower religion would permit open and free debate, allow a place for dissent, and work with divergant views, then sites like this would not need to exist.
It is much like when the Soviet Communist did not tolerate differing opinions from the party, the only place where such could take place were in private groups. The party could always say, 'see the dissidents always tak negative about the party.' But, it was self-fulfilling because the party never permitted the same differing views within its own context. The Watch Tower religion has fallen into the same trap as the Communists.
As for 'apostasy' there are no Apostates from Christ on this site that I know of. If you mean 'apostasy' from an organization, then I am an apostate from the Catholic Church, many others are apostates from other organizations. I am an apostate from my Democratic upbringing, and I am now a radical-right-winged-mean-spirited-rush limbaugh-loving-money-grubbing-big-business-supporter-starve-the children-Republican as you will find.
Are there any on this board who are ex-JWs? Yes. Are some of these labeled as 'apostate' by the Watch Tower religion? Yes. When I lived on the West coast, I was at one time referred to by the District Overseer as the Chief Apostate of the Pacific Northwest. But, I still believe in Jesus Christ. I appreciate the Bible, though with a different view than as a JW. I am not an 'apostate' from Christ, which is what really matters. Organizations come and go through history, but what matters is what we are as persons.