Is this a apostate website

by robertK 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    Hi Robert: This site is not negative. It is a place where people are free to discuss issues, many of which mean exposing problems associated with the Watch Tower religion. If the Watch Tower religion would permit open and free debate, allow a place for dissent, and work with divergant views, then sites like this would not need to exist.

    It is much like when the Soviet Communist did not tolerate differing opinions from the party, the only place where such could take place were in private groups. The party could always say, 'see the dissidents always tak negative about the party.' But, it was self-fulfilling because the party never permitted the same differing views within its own context. The Watch Tower religion has fallen into the same trap as the Communists.

    As for 'apostasy' there are no Apostates from Christ on this site that I know of. If you mean 'apostasy' from an organization, then I am an apostate from the Catholic Church, many others are apostates from other organizations. I am an apostate from my Democratic upbringing, and I am now a radical-right-winged-mean-spirited-rush limbaugh-loving-money-grubbing-big-business-supporter-starve-the children-Republican as you will find.

    Are there any on this board who are ex-JWs? Yes. Are some of these labeled as 'apostate' by the Watch Tower religion? Yes. When I lived on the West coast, I was at one time referred to by the District Overseer as the Chief Apostate of the Pacific Northwest. But, I still believe in Jesus Christ. I appreciate the Bible, though with a different view than as a JW. I am not an 'apostate' from Christ, which is what really matters. Organizations come and go through history, but what matters is what we are as persons.


  • Roamingfeline

    RobertK, I realize that you believe being a JW gives you the inalienable right to judge all creatures, but I have a couple of questions before you condemn everyone here to your own version of hell:

    What are you doing on the internet when the GB plainly tells you NOT to be? Don't you believe in following the directions of the "faithful and discreet slave"?



  • Farkel

    : Nothin on this website is positive,

    Translation: "Nothing on the website agrees with my beliefs."

    :its all anti-witness!!

    Translation: "it's full of facts I cannot and will not challenge."

    : It helps nobody and does no good,

    Translation: "Facts don't help people nor do them any good."
    Corolary: "Lies DO help people and do them good."

    : and is for breaking down not building up,

    Translation: "don't show me any evidence, you'll bust up all my fantasies."

    : is there any righteous witnesses out there???

    I don't know. When you find one somewhere, let me know, ok?


  • nelly136

    perhaps you'd prefer this site
    its its a jw site
    and their freedom in jehovah allows them to talk about upbuilding things,controversial questions or things that bother them and are not suitable for public discussion are forbidden of course.

  • digderidoo

    Oh ere we go again.....

    Robert, welcome...i hope you stick around. You may actually learn something.

  • JT

    yes according to wt it is -

    but no according to the facts

    the choice is yours

    before you come into any OPEN chat forum

    i highly recommend that you visit sites where there are no commentary on the history of the WT with thier own material


  • Francois

    Hey Amazing, you forgot the part about tossing little old blue-haired ladies out of the nursing homes and into the snow. Watch it!


    Teach 'em HOW to Fish class

    My $0.02

  • ZazuWitts


    I've never 'spoken' to you directly - and I wanted to personally thank you for being here, and staying here!!! You are an asset to this forum.

    Robert, to welcome you to this forum - I think you are in the 'right' place at the 'wrong' time - but we will be here - so, come back and visit us later....any questions, there will be answers, any hurts, we can offer a 'balm; in other words, understanding and compassion. OK, simple, eh? So, when you are sitting in the Kingdom Hall, and a question?????? just pops into your head come a talk about it here, we will 'get it', I guarantee! Please, remember this, in all sincerety....Zazu
    We will accept you, even if, at the moment you can't do the same.

  • RedhorseWoman

    Well, RobertK, perhaps you would enjoy the "positive" discussions on boards such as witnessesonline. There they discuss the lack of available single brothers, and how giddily happy they will all be to see all the "evil" people die horrible deaths. Then they "positively" discuss their materialistic fantasies about mansions and servants in the New System.

    If facts and true experiences are "negative" to you, then so be it. If you have the courage to examine the "truth", as you so boldly urge others to do, you just might learn something.

    Also, disbelieving the WTBTS does not equate with turning one's back on Jehovah. Those are two totally separate entities. One is a publishing company, run by and for men. The other entity is spiritual and totally separate from the publishing company.

    Do you have the courage to examine your faith? Or would you rather hide your head in a bucket and just accept whatever you are told by a corporation? Your decision.

  • bj

    Hello Robert, and welcome to this board. You have all rights to express yourself and it's not my intention to force you to agree with all what is writen here. But could it be, your attidute resemble that of Nathanael? In John 1:46 we learn that Nathanael expressed prejudice without examing first things. The answer of Philip was simple, "come and see." And that's what I encourage you to do without no prejudice. After, if you accept or discard things, that's up to you.

    As The Watchtower - January 15, 1974, page 35, paragraph 3, shows: it's our moral responsibility to alert the danger.


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