belief in angels & demons, the same as extraterrestrials?

by dh 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • dh

    are angels/demons/god in fact aliens? i know that word 'aLienZ' will put a lot of people off, but really, are extraterrestrials the same thing as the beings in the bible, and is it just a choice in terminology of which words we are more comfortable with using, if you think they are not the same thing, why do you think this?



  • Nina

    They are! They are! Yes! Yes!!!

  • lovinlife

    I haven't formed a firm opinion, but since you bring it up, maybe the extraterrerstrials are just another life form that was either created or came to be just like the angels and demons. Maybe they are being left on their own to see what they will do, the same as we are (if you believe in that).

  • SpandauParade

    There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that there is life on other planets . . . none . . . ZERO. If somebody has proof, I want to know.

    Because no matter what another says, I will always believe in the Bible and God and Christ Jesus, and therefore, by default must conclude that socalled extraterrestrials are no more than demons materializing in various forms.


  • shotgun

    Seems they're must be something there but I don't believe in angels and demons the way they're depicted in the bible...

    Aliens....Millions of galaxies with billions of planets.....hmmm ET phone home...I wpould not be surprised!

    As far as evidence...there are still species being found on the earth which were never seen could we expect to know if there is species in other galaxies.

  • SpandauParade

    I see, shotgun. You are saying that no evidence is proof of the possibility?

  • dh

    you missed my point.

    There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that there is life on other planets . . . none . . . ZERO. If somebody has proof, I want to know.

    i didn't mention anything about life on other planets... you say there is no evidence for their existence, there is NO evidence for the existence of god if you have no faith. and imo it takes as much faith to believe in god as it does to believe in aLienZ, however it is logic to assume that once we asscertain WHAT 'extraterrestrial life' or 'alien is, what the words mean, we will have a clearer picture and the barriers might come down.

    Because no matter what another says, I will always believe in the Bible and God and Christ Jesus, and therefore, by default must conclude that socalled extraterrestrials are no more than demons materializing in various forms.

    those first six words are scary! but why must you conclude this?

    my understanding of 'extraterrestrial or alien' is simply a life form that is NOT from earth, this clearly includes your demons, your angels, your god and your jesus, right, well, maybe jesus was just human, i don't know? but the others you believe are alive and not from earth, right? i think you have actually agreed with what i said when you stated that you 'must conclude that extraterrestrials are demons.' because let's face it, demons are extraterrestrials.

    the minute you prove that demons and angels exist, you have already proven the existence of extraterrestrial life, it's just you are not comfortable with that description.

    thanks for responding.

  • natalienu

    I have a hard time believing in aliens - I really want to but why would little green men travelling millions of miles just to stick something up someones butt (anal probe) and then go home?!!!

  • dh
    I have a hard time believing in aliens

    i have a hard time believing in humans, be here we are, i think that it would be an awful waste of space if we were the only life out there, and if we are the only life out there, then there is no god, because god constitutes part of 'life out there'

    I really want to but why would little green men travelling millions of miles just to stick something up someones butt (anal probe) and then go home?!!!

    who said anything about little green men? what do you think humans do when they discover a new species? not only probe it alive, they will kill it, cut it up and analyse every part, this is the way 'intelligent' life forms get to understand things, and from the point of view of a lot of wild animals, that is exactly what humans do, probe them, tag them, then go home, we travel all over the planet to do it, we would travel through space to do it if we could, so why wouldn't another species. look, in the bible demons came here to get it on with earth chicks, not sure if they did any anal probing, but you get the picture, it's already been done, it's just a choice of words.

  • natalienu

    OMG dh! Didn't expect my mindless ranting to actually be analysed!!! I a mood today are we?

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