Michael3000 says
JT - this G-job thread is a pisser! Sophie! Her thing was, no matter what you were sick with, she would always make you gargle with warm salt water! That brought back memories. I was convinced that the system of "checking in" on you while you were sick didn't just ensure that you weren't faking it - it kinda made you NOT want to stay home when you're sick.
#### man you knew never to stay home sick on a Monday cause she would indeed ask you
Did you know Alan Galina? I did a G-job with him, painting & polyurethaning the home of the guy who owned that liquor store in Brooklyn Heights (I think it was on Cranberry?).
########yep I knew him- did you know Wilford Simmons
Metatron says
Now that I'm older, I can have more
understanding for guys like Willy Walker - they're scared
to leave - it's like putting a bird in a cage - eventually
you can leave the cage door open, they're too scared to
leave it.
@@@@@@@@@ that is so true do you recall John Erricatte he was a missionary up in Alaska back in the day when they use the sail boat, single man
this guy I worked with in the bindery was in his hall and one day asked him : How do you stay single all these years' he said -----sometimes you have to slam "IT"in the window-- smile
. You can tell people about Bethel all day, but
unless you've been there,they'll never understand what
a strange place it is.
#######this is so true and that is why it is good that we tell what we saw and heard ,cause otherwise all bethelites are told NEVER tell anything bad about bethel to the bro on the outside
Remember bro's hangin' small copies of porn in vent shafts
in the 124 bathroom? - just keepin' it handy, in a way that
can't be traced back to its owner
####### I heard about it but could never find a copy - smile
do you remember when each year the New boys would get called down to the mailroom in the home where George Couches wife worked and they would get DOGGGGGGGGGGGGGED FOR the Swim Suit Edition of Sports Illustrated
they had to leave that issue down there-------------
max says
Were the housekeepers still instructed to do bedsheet checks for "wet dreams"? That was the dread of the less than fastidious
Hey max I got one for you- I can't remember the year but all the guys up here who were there will remember this happening
Annoucement was made a week in advance that NO OUTSIDE GUEST WOULD BE ALLOWED to attend the Monday night wt lesson- so everyone knew it was a Special bethel talk
Then after the wt lesson ALL THE SISTERS WERE TOLD TO LEAVE
AND Dan the man Sydlik gave the talk on MASTURBATION
TOLD THE guys not to drink before bed – to sleep on their side instead of their back or stomach
It was so deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep
Stuff like that YOU NEVER FORGET