Okay, this is kinnda a ranting thing here and i am taking deep breaths as to not kill my dog. My son and i planted 5 trees today in my yard, ya ,lots of work and it was cold and very windy and it took about 2hrs. Well big deal you may say, Well it is cause i went out later and the f---dog dug them up .I walked outside and saw all my trees laying on the ground. All that work and i had to go back and replant them all. BAD DOG
If you want to complicate your life get a bloodhound.
by kls 16 Replies latest jw friends
maybe you didn't plant them right?
dh Thanks for the laugh i needed that.
Garden? omg i want a garden ,do you think she would,sure she would. Sphere , this summer will be very interesting to say the least.
Deputy Dog
I train Bloodhounds for search and rescue, they are smart, but, they're also the most bullheaded of all breeds. They don't make the best pets. I have owned 2
D Dog
PS If you want some help send me a PM
Deputy Dog, i would welcome the help but i can't send pms, i get them but i can't send them. My son got me this new/ used computer and it sucks, You had 2 Bloodhounds? WHY? lol
If it is a young dog still,then you can hope for some improvment.When my dog An English Setter was a puppy she more than once found the edge of the lanscape fabric and pulled it all up ,unrooting plants and scattering bark everywhereShe is 6 years old now and the best dog ive ever had.She spends most of her time now days being my foot rest.
Kat2u i have had dogs all my life, but never have i had one that would dig up huge trees. she is only 10months old so hopfully in time and age she will get better. She is the most loving dog( except for the slobber that goes flying all over the walls) but hole trees?
little witch
Dear KLS,
I feel your pain! LOLOLOLOLOL
I have an American Pitbull Terrier. He is such a good housedog, but notices every little change in his environment.
Last year, we planted two tiny pines at each corner of our property. Late one evening I let him out to pee....and he went crazy! He barked and used his back legs to scrape dirt in the air, got all protective, and attacked my new shrub!
I have the feeling that your pooch recognized your trees as a threat to his environment? A new thing he noticed that he thinks shouldnt have been there?
(sorry bout those trees) LOLOLOLOL
Deputy Dog
You're right Bloodhounds do complicate your life. The reason I like to raise and train bloodhounds is there incredible nose. And that is probably part of your tree planting problem. As crazy as this may sound your dog wants to know why your scent is underground or what you buried, he (or she) is a typically curios bloodhound.
I have had amazing things happen to me as a result of owning bloodhounds, we have tracked down every thing from babies to bank robbers over the last 16 years.
I know they're hard to live with (come to think about it, so is my wife) but I wouldn't want to be without either one (wife or bloodhound, that is). Although my last hound died a year ago. (I will be looking for a puppy soon).
May God bless you and your hound.
D Dog