I have had amazing things happen to me as a result of owning bloodhounds, we have tracked down every thing from babies to bank robbers over the last 16 years.
Say, Deputy Dog, I think many would go along with me when I say that I would REALLY like to hear about some of those stories. What a fascinating and uplifting subject! Could you tell us a few??
Isn't that the God's honest truth? LOL - in fact, it pretty much applies to kids and friends too, doesn't it? I used to seriously wonder why my kids and basically all normal people were so willing to put up with so much aggravation from their friends instead of just doing things on their own - but hey, they're worth it in the long run, aren't they? (With the possible exception being husbands... ha ha.)I know they're hard to live with (come to think about it, so is my wife) but I wouldn't want to be without either one (wife or bloodhound, that is). Although my last hound died a year ago. (I will be looking for a puppy soon).
May God bless you and your hound.
D Dog