ten years is a long time, what changes has your life undergone in the last 10 years?
how has your life changed in the last 10 years
by dh 22 Replies latest jw friends
Well for me that would be from the time I left school til now.
Let me see: I left school, I joined the navy at 17. Served on a couple of ships, travelling all around south east Asia and
I would have to say I have grown a lot in 10 years. Still have a hell of a lot more growing to do though.
stupid system keeps deleting everything I have written!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
would someone fix it up please????????????????????
Gone from Student nurse to Charge Nurse/Ward manager..........only in the last year have I noticed that when police come in after an incident with a patient, do they all of a sudden look younger than me. 33 I'm getting old.................arghhhhhhhh!
Oh and milk and bread has gone up too. at a shocking rate
This is a great question. In the past 10 years....1994-2004. Well, I guess I was sure I'd never see 2004 in this system of things.
I graduated from HS. Left my congregation. Got married, which lead to this huge bullsh!t thing in my family. My mom is an apostate (Witness to Mormon??? Who woulda thought?) and so my aunt and her husband wouldn't attend my wedding reception because ma was there. I was so pissed. My aunt and I have been through so much crap in our lives, and we came through really tight. But then she pulls this stunt. It was the "straw". Her and uncle M shun mom, so I shun them. I know its so not christian. But I don't know what else to do. I feel like I have to stick up for mom because no one else does. She's had a hard life. Although admittedly by her own choices.
Anyway so now I'm up to 1999. I graduated from college and got my first real job. I am such an adult now. Do you know that I still call myself a "girl". I can hardly believe I'm technically a "woman". Maybe its just the denial thing happening because I'm suddenly closer to 30, than 20.
2004- this year sees me as a married girl with an awesome husband, a house, the world's cutest puppy (no honestly I think it was officially confirmed) and a garden. Everything is great. I have wonderful friends who love and support me and I'm so close to my in-laws it puts total shame on my blood relations.
But then there is that hole. I grew up with a huge family (meaning the congregation.) I left them and have taken no spiritual fulfillment since that day. I really feel empty. I saw "The Passion" and it was a complete slap in my face. I realized just how much I missed believeing in Jehovah, and Jesus. They were such a part of my life for about 17 years. To deny them now means I was misguided, mislead. And I really miss that spiritual side.
So obviously, at 10 years, I have most everything a blessed healthy person could want. My life now is so much better than 10 years ago (lets face it, highschool sucks total @ss, especially for Witness kids.) But I just feel like I can't make my transition into the next part i.e. motherhood, until I get this business cleared up.
So thanks for asking dh.
Hm, 1994, I was deep in a "spiritual slump" - no meetings or service for about a year. But with a difference: I made up my mind not to go back.
We were on welfare then. Living in a trailer.
Then I became a Unitarian Universalist, after that a pagan (for a while I was both at once: yes, it's allowed), discovered my queeritude, took some delicious lovers (with husband's permission), watched my kids grow up into artists, landed my first permanent job and found a work mentor for the first time in my life. Became better friends with my husband than I had ever been, and I love watching him grow, too.
We're still living in the trailer, because you really can't afford an apartment on one income here. Trying to fix that.
got my forty homey?
I bought two brand new cars, been to Puerto Rico three times, bought a house, and feel worse about my life and unhappier than in 1994 when it seemed as if I were happier and less miserable.
Ten years ago I was into Rap music. I'm now into Rock and Heavy Metal
I'm now sexually active
I'm in debt
I'm no longer a JW
I'm no longer in school
I'm happier