The entire status of the self-appointed "faithful and discreet slave" is inferior to
past prophets, regardless of their 'anointed' claims. Numbers 12: 6-12 proves it.
by jgnat 19 Replies latest watchtower bible
The entire status of the self-appointed "faithful and discreet slave" is inferior to
past prophets, regardless of their 'anointed' claims. Numbers 12: 6-12 proves it.
The entire status of the self-appointed "faithful and discreet slave" is inferior to
past prophets, regardless of their 'anointed' claims. Numbers 12: 6-12 proves it.
I think the key word here is "humble"
For sometime now it has occured to me that much of the wtbts ability to lead people (astray) is the supplemental use of word meanings. (humble from humous/earth)
The verses Elsewhere pointed to are certainly "humble" - i.e. the down to earth view. The jws are lying in their use of words, and thereby are able to lie about what "God says" as cited in the bible - sort of nasty stuff - preying on the vulnerable - but, it may simply be a case of horizontal violence, knowing no better themselves.
A Paduan, I love this quote,
Humble is "down to earth" - in Aus. we say "fair dinkum" or "calling a spade a spade"
Whenever I hear "humble" from now on, I will be thinking "fair dinkum".
Elsewhere, I speculate the draft article may have had a bridging paragraph which addressed the mind-numbingly sameness of WT articles. Yes, I do believe they are likening manna to WT articles. You know. Spiritual food.
Link, the fella you are thinking of is Korah. But Korah was attempting to usurp Jehovah's authority. I don't think any of us have such ambitions.
Metatron, that whole "faithful and discreet slave" thing I have always treated as a parable, not a prophecy. Lousy foundation for a doctrine in the first place.
Do we eagerly accept the explanations of Bible truth as provided by ?the faithful and discreet slave.
Translation: Do we mindlessly lap up the flawed interpretation by uneducated, imperfect humans, of ancient writings? Really, manna in the desert for ancient Jews is the equivalent of the Watchtower to Jehovah's witnesses.
These people are seriously screwed.
Are they saying that Jehovah deliberately gave them unpalatable food, just to test their loyalty, for 40years!
Would any caring parent deliberately send their kid to school with a packed lunch of peanut butter sandwiches every day of his school life, just to test him out and develop the quality of patience?
My reading of Deuet 8 : suggest otherwise
Rbi8 Deuteronomy 8:14-18 ***your heart may indeed be lifted up and you may indeed forget Jehovah your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slaves; 15 who caused you to walk through the great and fear-inspiring wilderness, with poisonous serpents and scorpions and with thirsty ground that has no water; who brought forth water for you out of the flinty rock; 16 who fed you with manna in the wilderness, which your fathers had not known, in order to humble you and in order to put you to the test so as to do you good in your afterdays; 17 and you do say in your heart, ?My own power and the full might of my own hand have made this wealth for me.? 18 And you must remember Jehovah your God, because he is the giver of power to you to make wealth; in order to carry out his covenant that he swore to your forefathers, as at this day.
As I see it, it was the wilderness that was intended to be a test , as they wandered for 40 years. The manna was the sustainance which did get boring but kept them alive
Jnat, the problem today is that the "manna" from the "slave class" (or rather, from hell) has a good measure of poison in it! Most DUBS just don?t realize it at this point; but perhaps many will in the future?we can only hope!
Therefore, no matter how hard they try and sanitize their religious views, they won?t be able to! Finally, regarding the BORG, there?s absolutely no room for any form of departure from the "prevailing winds" of Watchtower deception! You?re not even to entertain different thinking from the "brain(-dead) trust" of the GB and BORG.
The WTS is an evil and jealous demi-god. They have imprisoned the RF and feed them slop as a form of sadistic control. Then the WTS tell their slaves they should be happy with their lot in life! The WTS wants these people to sacrifice themselves and their happiness before the alter at Brooklyn. Maverick
A humble person will be able to say yes to such questions
Is a humble person another word for brain dead
Isn't this typical?
Moses messes up in the wilderness, and so the Israelites suffer the consequences. Adam makes a mistake and his offspring suffer the consequences. There were kings and judges appointed. Most were oppresive and the people suffered from their mistakes. The Pharasees were allowed to rule, and the Israelites were miserable.
The GB has been oppresive to the flock, and the flock also suffer the consequences. Any similarities here? What kind of sick 'god' lets people suffer all the way from Adam till now? Then there is going to enter a Millinium to clean things up, and 'god' sends his enemy to prey on the innocent?
This is too much.........