wasted life

by littlemike 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Thirdson

    Hi LittleMike,

    I have a very similar background to you. You have to look at the positive things you have gained even if few. Life is isn't over, there is still a lot more to do, acheive and enjoy.

    I will send a PM with some more personal stuff. Welcome to the board.


  • Carmel

    Hey man, at 44 you've got more than half of your life ahead of you! Buck up and feel good you're out and can do anything your heart desires.

    carmel of the "ancient of days" class

  • myauntfanny

    Hi littlemike

    I wasted quite a lot of my life mourning over the part of my life that got wasted in JWs, so watch out you don't do that. I do think you have to take time to grieve, though. Leaving after so long is as big as a divorce or having someone close die, it's a bereavement.

    I feel funny saying welcome to the board when I'm so new to the board myself, but...glad you're here.

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    Many of us feel the same way, I feel my family is wasting what life they have left.

    Curious, what got you thinking it could be wrong, and what sent you packing ???

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk


    WELCOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Abaddon

    Well, you're right, to a certain extent.

    Being a Dubbie is a waste.

    But I wouldn't be who I am now if it wasn't for what has happened to me, and part of what has happened to me included being a Dub, and as I like myself to regard part of the formative experience that got me to liking myself as a total waste is illogical.

    If you don't like yourself, change yourself so you do.

    If you do like yourself, accept that part of what got you there was being a Dub.

    And remember, the best revenge is to be happy. There's a few Biblical myths I still regard as useful; Lot's wife looked back and life for her ended.

    So too, we can be frozen into immobility if we look behind us.

    Look forward to the freedom you can now have, look forward to the possibilities that exist. Your world is a million percent bigger than it was three years ago. There's a lot of hard changes in there, I know, but it is for the good.

  • Steve Lowry
    Steve Lowry

    Most people ponder from time to time about what they would do differently if they had the chance to do their life over. And we all have regrets. Focus on the future now and what you can experience without the restrictions on your life that you have been used to. You?re still one of the lucky ones. There are those who never manage to break away from the Watchtower Society. Count your blessings.

  • nowisee

    hi and welcome littlemike,

    maya angelou says, "you did the best you could with what you knew at the time. when you knew better you did better."

    this is true of you as it is of so many of us. so be gentle with yourself. test, reevaluate, learn and make every minute of the rest of your life count!

    if you have not already read it, i would also recomment ray franz's second book, "in search of christian freedom."

    very best wishes, nowisee

  • sunshineToo

    Steve is right. Count your blessing, littlemike. Many jws are living miserable lives, and they think they are living happy lives.

    You are now free. Your life just have begun. Make new friends, and never lose your Christian qualities. Don't think of your old friends too much. See how they treat you just because you are not in their organization anymore. All my so called, "worldly friends", treat me nicely whether I'm a jw or not. If they leave you, leave them. Believe it or not they are talking behind your back while you are missing their friendship. They are not worth it at all.

    Good luck on your new beginning and welcome to the board!!!

  • happehanna

    Welcome Mike

    I hope you can be kind to yourself while you heal. This process is different for each individual with various time and struggles . But this forum will help you rest assured.

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