Has this happened to anyone?

by Purza 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • El blanko
    El blanko
    So I went about my business succeeding in life and this had more effect on nephews and neices and sister-in-laws, but didn't seem to dent the immediated family.

    I think that is the way forward. To cope with the real world on the outside and show that you are stronger than how they would have you be.

    Ex-JWs are supposed to fall into bad ways and become corrupt in their thinking and remember - return to the vomit!!

    If you haven't read it already, get a copy of "In Search Of Christian Freedom / Raymond Franz" and be uplifted by the thoughts expressed in that fine publication. It will help to strengthen your resolve, whilst taking an abstract stance away from your loved ones and still remaining in love towards them.

    I have a good friend who I tried to show 'real truths' to last year and nearly broke the friendship up completely. Now, I don't even bother to mention these things and allow him to live the way he wants to. He knows how I feel and that is fine, we both know where we stand. As long as I do not stray too far into attack mode he still thinks I am with him and has hope that I will return.

    I remember the Bible teaching us to "seek peace and pursue it", which I hold close to my heart. Regardless of the subjective delusional state that I consider others to be in, I personally won't attempt to usurp their own intellectual decisions & choices beyond what is reasonable.

  • myauntfanny
    Nos -- selective memory. My mother has that too

    Years later, I told me my mother how much it hurt me that I wasn't allowed to have any friends outside the church, especially since there were only a couple kids in the church and they weren't allowed to associate with us because my father was an unbeliever. Which meant that I actually had NO FRIENDS as a child (I did have siblings, though, thank goodness). Anyway, I couldn't believe what she said back to me, she said "but honey, I didn't stop you from having friends, you just didn't WANT friends". The feeling of total unreality I got when she said that was very wierd, like I was almost floating. I had to call my sister up and say, listen, I'm not crazy am I, we weren't allowed to have friends, right? I was relieved when she confirmed it.

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