I'm "Scurred"

by sandy 18 Replies latest jw experiences

  • sandy

    Ok, scared.

    I will be having surgery within the next week or two. The doctors found a large cyst in my pelvic area. They believe it is on my right ovary but, unfortunately they cannot be sure till they actually cut me open.

    I am scared and all similar stories with positive outcomes will be most appreciative.

    I told one of my doctors' that under no circumstances are they to disclose to my family that I am willing to accept blood.

    I am a little worried that my siblings are going to ask the Elders to visit with me to give me encouragement.

    If they do I plan on making it clear that if they want to visit me they are not to talk to me about Jehovah. They may visit if they wish but my relationship with God is personal.

    I am not sure how this is going to fly but I shall see. I know my family will not harass me before the surgery but I am a little worried about afterward.

    I have been in active for 6+ years now. If the Elders do visit me in the hospital do you think they will ask me about my stand on blood?

  • nilfun


    Wondering if the hospital might put a "no visitors except family" notation on your chart?

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Sandy, I'm sorry to hear this. I don't (obviously) have any positive experience, but I just wanted to let you know someone cared. Take this experience one step at a time, otherwise you will get overwhelmed.

    It's okay to be scared. Just hang in there. And remember to breathe.

    >breathe in<
    >breathe out<

    It helps.

  • sandy

    Thanks. I know, I am calm right now and staying positive but I cannot deny that I am scared.

    I have friends and family support and obviously that is very helpful.

    I don't mind if the witnesses visit. I just don't want them preaching to me or the elders asking me about taking or not taking blood.

  • SixofNine
    If the Elders do visit me in the hospital do you think they will ask me about my stand on blood?

    Yes, most likely. I would tell your family you don't feel up to elder's visits right now.

    No stories for you Sandy, but I am wishing you the best outcome. A girlfriend had cyst in her pelvic region, and they were all benign upon removal. I know it can be very painful living with them.

  • nowisee

    hi sandy,

    have you considered a second opinion? ovarian cysts often come and go. (i know from personal experience). sometimes waiting a bit is prudent because the cyst will reduce in size or disappear on its own. (i believe) doctors are all to quick to operate -- they want their $$!!

    ok. not knowing what your situation is. i know of at least 3 women who had surgery for ovarian cysts and they turned out to be benign, nothing more than an inconvenience.

    can they possibly do a biopsy before actually cutting?

    i hope all goes well for you.

    my very best, nowisee

  • Corvin


    just so happens that my wife, Mary, had uterine fibroids and a couple cysts on her ovaries, one of which was the size of baseball when they discovered it.

    We only knew this when she acquired the never-ending period and almost bled out, literally. She was working one night and she called me at my work to tell me that she "was not feeling well" and that she thought she should go to the hospital. When I arrived to pick her up, she, who normally has lovely dark olive skin, was white as a ghost. I knew something was seriously wrong with her so we went straight away to the hospital.

    Her red blood cell count was down below 10. She should not have been conscious by medical standards, let alone walking around and working.

    She is not and never was JW, thank God, but had serious issues about taking another person's blood. She made her decision and told the doctors to do everything they could without transfusing blood. (She also has a very rare blood type)

    Her doctor ended up performing a full hysterectomy. Her recovery was speedy and she hasn't felt better in years.

    This is pretty routine and common for women, I have been told, and I am sure you will pull through just fine, but please keep us up to date on your condition.

    Best Regards,


  • sandy
    I know it can be very painful living with them.

    OMG!!! You can say that AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN!!!!

    I went to the emergency the other night. The pain was excruciating. They thought it was a kidney stone but the test came back negative.

    The emergency DR printed up some older records of mine (bless her heart) and saw that back in July of 2003 I had an ultra sound that showed a huge mass.

    This was a shock to me. I told her well I never had an ultra sound and my last pap was in Nov. 03. I do not remember going to the Doctor for anything in July of last year. I would remember having an ultra sound done. AND I NEVER EVER had been to the facility where the records indicated I had the test done. (Twilight Theme Song Going Off In My Head)

    She thought that was strange as well. The X-ray she took didn't show a mass either. So she did an ultra sound and didn't find anything either. I was so relieved thinking this has to be a big mistake.

    Well to rule it all out she did a more advanced ultra sound where they saw the cyst and the a CT Scan that confirmed the last test.

    So I have to have surgery. It is too big to leave it alone.

  • SixofNine


  • sandy
    have you considered a second opinion? ovarian cysts often come and go.

    I was told that since the cyst is so big (15 to 25 cm) they will have to operate.

    Also, because of my prior history I am not a candidate for the microscopic? sugery.

    When I was a new born I had a hole in my colon. The Doctors had to operate on me three times before I was a week old.

    The Doctor said that the mass may turn out to be scar tissue. But they say there is no way to tell other than actually go in to look.

    I really do appreciate everyone's feed back. I still have one more appointment with the surgeon so I will ask more questions.

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