Ok, scared.
I will be having surgery within the next week or two. The doctors found a large cyst in my pelvic area. They believe it is on my right ovary but, unfortunately they cannot be sure till they actually cut me open.
I am scared and all similar stories with positive outcomes will be most appreciative.
I told one of my doctors' that under no circumstances are they to disclose to my family that I am willing to accept blood.
I am a little worried that my siblings are going to ask the Elders to visit with me to give me encouragement.
If they do I plan on making it clear that if they want to visit me they are not to talk to me about Jehovah. They may visit if they wish but my relationship with God is personal.
I am not sure how this is going to fly but I shall see. I know my family will not harass me before the surgery but I am a little worried about afterward.
I have been in active for 6+ years now. If the Elders do visit me in the hospital do you think they will ask me about my stand on blood?