Return the territory to whom? It's still UN Mandate territory, there is no Palestinian group this territory has ever been turned over to
Well, I guess the non-existent people that Sharon wants to exclude from returning to the land they were kicked out of. Really Yeru, you are starting to become nothing more than an extremist Israeli propagandist.
If there were no people who had been dispossessed by Israel, then why would they want to exclude them from returning? Why did they fight a war to get the land if no one was there?
Who ever suggested that all Iraqi's were to blame for 9/11?
That's a joke right? It's up there with "WoMD" and "imminent threat"
When 4 Americans were brutally beaten beyond recognition, their corpes mutilated before cheering crowds, where was all this outrage from the left?
The 4 Americans were merceneries (or enemy combatants as we now call them) and should not, IMO, have been there.
Yes, it was a bad thing. No one was saying it was a good thing. But what do you want us to do? Bay for the blood of women and children who happen to be in the same city?
Think of the bigger picture. You have non-army militants in a city who it appears answer to no one. Iraqi's saying they are being abused and mistreated and an intense level of anger and hatred being shown.
Of course, the lawyers of the key solider who allegedly committed the crimes, who at 37 and with experience in maintaining prisoners, will have you believe this. Sure he's going to attempt to be absolved of any blame.
Well, it's convenient if they were all acting alone but this still reflects as badly on the chain of command - they are untrained and undisciplined and unsupervised. What are we paying the commanders for exactly if they actually do sod all?