Do you think that some people who might've been elders might still want to act as elders in the real world? Are some wannabees that were never "good enough" to get a "privilege" out to show they now have muscle and authority? Do sisters that felt slighted by the whole chemistry of JWism, now feel they must show they're really not second class citizens?
Do ExJWs Feel They Must Become Elders and "Elderesses" Now?
by minimus 29 Replies latest jw friends
Gawd, I hope not.
But I guess it takes all sorts to make the world... -
I know I am not a 2nd class citizen, that is all that matters.
Some JWs always wanted to be made to feel special. If they didn't get recognition in the congregation, they tried to get it out of the organization.
As a former elder, I can tell you the most amazing transformation has come over me since I left and began my personal spiritual journey.
I no longer view myself as a judge. I'm just an observer.
Willyoman---I feel that too often, people criticized any who were at one time elders. They suppose that once an elder, always an attitude problem.....Not necessarily so....
However... i do think that when one is consistantly confronted with attitudes/circumstances that minimize one's abilities or intelligence, excess the other direction is likely. Example: My first trial was before an older male judge who looked down his specs at me (from a very high bench) and asked, with the jury present: "do they let baby girls like you play at lawyering now?" If you don't think THAT shaped my personna as a woman AND a lawyer.....
That's terrible, stillconcerned. Some people are simply on power trips!
in life minimus there will always be control freaks and there will always those that like to be controlled andthere will be those that are somewhere in the middle -I personally am NOT a control freak -- and have ZERO desire to be an elder again
Not everybody can be first class, you should know that.