Do ExJWs Feel They Must Become Elders and "Elderesses" Now?

by minimus 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • cyber-sista

    I think that everyone has insight to one degree or another--some can share it better than others through their writings. I appreciate reading these words of wisdom and don't feel put down because someone is more insightful than me on one subject or another. I appreciate the sharing of wisdom and knowledge from whoever--I think there are some great teachers in this world and some are on this site. I look at it as a gift being able to learn new things from many different people. So your question doesn't really seem to apply in my mind, but your question made me think, so that is a good thing too.


  • Corvin

    Minumus, I can see why you might pose such a question, and I really don't have enough experienc as an XJW to give an answer of any kind.

    I will say, however, that I know for a fact I no longer fear the elders, their position, their knowledge (lol) or what they think or say. Just men, all of them, and I have discovered that I am ten-times smarter than any one of them I have ever met or dealt with. They can all go rub a monkey.


  • FlyingHighNow

    Yep, yep, yep. I want to be an elderess. *Jumping up and down* I wanna. Wanna! Wanna! I got something to prove now.

    Actually I never envied elders or elder's wives. I thought it a huge imposition in their lives. I have a hard enough time running my own life and taking care of me.


  • xenawarrior

    min- if they did- would anyone really be able to blame them? Think about it..... A relilgion that is based on "position" and the only way you really matter to others and even whether you were mate material etc. at all is if you achieve one of those next coveted postions. So from the time they could understand words, people in the JW religion understand they they need to be in "this" postion or "that" position and the successions that come with it. That's a pretty strong belief system to have learned about "position" and "status"

  • wheres caleb?
    wheres caleb?

    No elder, I have ever known, would give a rat's ass about what I think of myself. Why should I assume their responsibilities?

  • minimus

    Some people may have yearned to have power and authority in the congregation but might've "only" made it to Ministerial Servant", for example. Then, when the opportunity presents itself, once outside the congregation, they exercise dominion and control over others that they might be able to bully or push around. They may become exacting task-masters or unyielding tyrants that feel it's either their way or the highway.

  • ozziepost

    I'm confused!

    they exercise dominion and control over others that they might be able to bully or push around

    Where does all this take place? Surely not in the workplace? But where?

  • patio34

    An interesting theory, but I haven't observed the reaction. Did you have anything other than speculation on which to base your idea, Minimus?


  • minimus

    I've known of a number of men that couldn't quite cut it as a servant or elder and when an elder or servant worked for THEM, (as in cleaning biz), they MADE sure they exercised their authority as THE BOSS......There are many smarter sisters than there are brothers in a given Hall. I've seen some that have complained that they are "talked down to". Whenever given the opportunity, the "older sisters" would always find a way to counsel the younger sisters or children.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    but might've "only" made it to Ministerial Servant", for example

    On the other hand, many have moved past their JW experience and are not interested in titles or power.

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