how's the weather?

by riz 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    You crack me up, and everyone else too. I can't be that saucy about the weather. It has been lovely, hot, and sunny, here in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley.
    Had 1.29 inches of rain on Saturday though. You know the sun always comes out after the rain!!

  • Darkangel

    Hiya, Riz,

    The weather here is just peachy. Dunno what the temp is, I'm in the air conditioning. But I see it's sunny sunny sunny. Future's so bright I gotta wear shades and all that... lol.

    And now a quote from Kids in the Hall, Brain Candy, for use of describing the weather here. :)

    "Gleemonex makes you feel like it's 72 degrees in the head.... ALL the time!"


  • Englishman

    It's Tuesday at 5.45pm. here on the coast. Temperature around 73, nice and sunny with a light breeze. Tomatoes and runner beans are doing well, got those fairly new SURFINIA'S - sorta trailin' petunia in hanging baskets - and theyre gorgeous.

    I'm trying bougainvillia for the first time, also brought back some bird of paradise plants from Madeira, I reckon I'll have to keep 'em in the conservatory over winter.


    PS That's TOE - MAR - TOES by the way.

    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • riz

    Hi Everyone,

    Thanks for your pleasant comments. I'm enjoying them. It was another beautiful sunny day here. (Sorry, ladonna. couldn't resist.) Well, don't let me interrupt.

    Unc, please feel free to talk about cars. I won't take offense. Promise.


  • waiting

    Checking in from South Carolina,

    Daylilies are gorgeous thanks to awesome rains (nodding to Six) and our crappy, sticky, humidity. 90 today, not so bad.

    I actually looked before clicking my air conditioner on where I work (instead of the heater like yesterday) - therefore, work was much more mundane than the sweat factory of yesterday. Duh.........


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