Is Watchman guilty of the same "sin"?

by Schizm 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • Xena

    I suppose it depends on if he considers this to be an apostate site. We know how the WT feels about the UN, it's documented and ingrained in every dub. Do you know how he feels about this site? Does he consider it apostate? I haven't read his site outside one letter he wrote regarding the UN which was quite nice.

    Just because some might consider us apostates doesn't mean everyone does.

  • Schizm

    The following are comments made by a couple of Watchman's followers after it had been suggested that he himself had done essentially the same thing that he was condemning the WTS for.

    One of Watchman's defenders said:

    There would only be any similarity between the actions of E-Watchman and the WT if E-Watchman had advertised the board and it's agenda HERE [at the e-watchman site], just as the Society signed up to do for the UN in literature dedicated to Jehovah. There is no similarity whatsoever.

    Another one said:

    Has the WTBTS bought advertising place in UN-magazines/books for the sake of Gods Kingdom? No, it was the other way around!! is a PUBLIC meetingplace that is dominated by apostate JW. Especially on a place like that it is a good thing to find a direction indicator (banner) to draw attention to the scriptual thoughts of an active and anointed JW who doesn't hesitate to stand up for the truth.

    Amazing how the mind works, isn't it. Bias can sure do funny things! BTW, in case you didn't notice ... those two people have pink-colored lenses in their eyeglasses.


  • Schizm


    Do you know how he feels about this site? Does he consider it apostate?

    Yes, he does consider this to be an apostate site.

    Just because some might consider us apostates doesn't mean everyone does.
    You can rest assured that Watchman considers most who post here as "apostates" ... at least 99%.
  • little witch
    little witch


    Interestingly he has a new message forum up and running. Some posted that they hoped "apostates" would not show up there. A short discussion insued and some said "what constitutes an apostate"? ETC.

    However, their central idea of the term seems to mean anyone who leaves the kingdom hall atmosphere. They all seem to have pretty much the same doctrinal questions that we do, only they feel that staying in the org is what is important.

    Kind of weird.

  • RevMalk

    this thread is some sort of joke right?


  • Schizm

    You asked if this is a joke? I'm inclined to think so ... NOW. Are you by any chance related to the Most Right Reverand?

  • RevMalk


  • Schizm

    For what reason should anybody revere YOU? Or any other man or woman, for that matter?


    To regard with awe, deference, and devotion.
  • little witch
    little witch

    Perhaps RevMalk should add enough of a comment so that other readers of the post can understand his veiwpoint? I for one am in the dark as to why he thinks this thread is a joke.

  • RevMalk
    For what reason should anybody revere YOU? Or any other man or woman, for that matter?

    Because I'm yer Daddy?

    Don't worry about what I said. I have no idea what an e-watchman is. I just don't have time to worry about who's a hypocrite and who's not

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