Many here are not Jehovah's Witnesses anymore because of one reason or another, but do you still preach? Do you still think that it is important for a Christian to preach? Just wondering.
Do you still preach?
by Theocrat 127 Replies latest jw friends
I am still a witness in good standing and I placed 10 magazines on the Saturday morning just gone -- it keeps me in good standing so I can work for change from within
The reason I ask is because, no matter what the purpose for leaving may be, its hard to deny the Christians responsibility to evangelize.
little witch
Define "Christian".
No, I don't feel it is my "duty" to impose my beliefs on others. I believe a persons religious views are personal, between that person and their god...what a concept!
Doubtfully Yours
Nope! Only go out on service a couple of times a month to put something down in the silly eom report. The couple of times I give out mags and use the theme in front of the lit to leave with the people.
Will never ever do another back call or give a bible study again in my life!
Why would I want to help anyone enter an organization I'm desperate to leave?
Your sarcasm is duly noted and unappreciated. But to answer your question: Christian-follower of Jesus Christ.
First off, did all christians evangelize... is that the real question that you are asking here? It could be.
little witch
Theo, You found my comment sarcastic and unappreciated? Certainly wasn't meant that way! That is truly how I feel!
Did you not ask a question personal to you? Did you not post it wanting a reply? Perhaps you are angry that my answer does not serve your worldview.
I 'm with DY ,i feel the same way ,,,,,,,,,nope,,,,,never